Chalker, Jack L.
Fantasy Newsletter 6(2): 5-7. February 1983.
Fantasy Review 7(9): 11-12, 42. October 1984.
Fantasy Newsletter 6(3): 21-23. March 1983.
Fantasy Review 7(4): 15-16, 40. May 1984.
Fantasy Review 7(2): 11-12, 42. March 1984.
Aldiss, Brian W.
Science-Fiction Studies 3(2; [#9]): 213. July 1976. Comment: The Early Coinage of Science Fiction", by Sam Moskowitz. Science-Fiction Studies 3(3; [#10]): 312-313. November 1976.
Aldiss, Brian W.; Wingrove, David
in: Gunn, James, and Candelaria, Matthew, eds. Speculations on Speculation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2005. p. 163-204.
Eilers, Michelle L.
Extrapolation 41(4): 317-337. Winter 2000.
Westfahl, Gary
Extrapolation 40(4): 292-303. Winter 1999.
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Aguirre, Manuel
in: Bloom, Clive, ed. Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. pp.199-232.
Smith, Fred
Essex, UK: Beccon Publications, 2002. 110 p.
Price, E. Hoffmann
in: Price, E. Hoffmann. Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others. (Memories of the Pulp Fiction Era). Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 2001. p. 377-384.
Gibbs, A.
New Yorker 18(52):42-53. February 13, 1943.
Bloch, Robert N.
Giessen: Lindenstruth, 2011. 52 p.
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Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988. 341pp.
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Matthew, Robert
Brisbane: Department of Japanese, University of Queensland, 1978. 43 p.
Moskowitz, Sam
Foundation 48:5-25. Spring 1990.
Eldridge, Robert T.
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 114: 10-12. February 1998.
Bennett, Roger E.
Master's Thesis, Ohio State University, 1926. 183 p.
Shanks, Edward
New Statesman 35(894):305-306. October 14, 1930.
Areco Morales, Macarena
In: Lopez-Pellisa, Teresa and Kurlat Ares, Silvia G., eds. Historia de la ciencia ficción latinoamericana I: desde los orÃgenes hasta la modernidad. Vervuert: Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020. p. 157-186.
Williamson, Jack
Extrapolation 32(1): 5-10. Spring 1991.
Bee, Robert
Internet Review of Science Fiction 5(3): [15 p.] April 2008. (
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