Madigan, Mark
in: Magistrale, Anthony, ed. The Shining Reader. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1990. pp.193-202.
Burke, Frank
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 2(4): 74-94. 1990
Dickstein, Morris
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. Planks of Reason. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1984. pp.65-78.
Guerrero, Edward
Journal of Popular Film and Television 18(3): 86-93. Fall 1990.
Waller, Gregory A.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. 228pp.
Manchel, Frank
New York: Watts, 1983. 90pp.
Jacobs, Tom
Los Angeles Daily News January 17, 1990. in: NewsBank. Film and Television 18:G7-G8. 1990.
Heldreth, Leonard G.
in: Palumbo, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. pp.117-125.
Winter, Douglas E.
in: Winter, D. E. Faces of Fear. New York: Berkley, 1985. pp.273-277.
Barker, Clive
in: Jones, Stephen, ed. Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1991. pp.263-270.
Campbell, Mary B.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. Planks of Reason. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1984. pp.307-320.
Jones, Alan
in: Jones, Stephen, ed. Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1991. pp.279-288.
Robb, Brian J.
Fear No. 33: 20-24. September 1991.
Rathgeb, Douglas L.
Journal of Popular Film & Television 19(1): 36-43. Spring 1991.
Leeper, Mark R.
Lan's Lantern 23:14. June 1987.
Sobchack, Vivian C.
in: Waller, G. A., ed. American Horrors. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. pp.175-194.
No authors listed.
Variety p. 29. September 29, 1971.
Neillson, Thomas
Fear No. 31: 30-32. June 1991.
Hamilton, Craig
Filmfax No. 25: 83-88. February/March 1991.
Friedman, Lester D.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. Planks of Reason. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1984. pp.126-152.
Kawin, Bruce F.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. Film Genre Reader. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. pp.236-257.
Everson, William K.
Secaucus, NJ: Citadel, 1974. 247pp. (Reissued in 1990)
Locus 20(9): 5. September 1987.
Floyd, Nigel
in: Jones, Stephen, ed. Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden. Lancaster, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1991. pp.309-318.
Conger, Syndy M.; Welsch, Janice R.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. Planks of Reason. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1984. pp.290-306.
Found 170 items on 7 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.