Silva, Matt
Critique 50(2): 208-222. Winter 2009.
Haxhi, Tomi
Ph. D. Dissertation, Columbia University, 2023. 199 p. (DAI-A 85(4)(E).)
Feyel, Juliette
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015.
Heidenescher, Joe
In: Hampton, Gregory J., Parker, Kendra R., and Due, Tananarive, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E. Butler. New York: Bloomsbury Academic; 2020. p. 55-72.
Karwande, Santosh L.
CosmosMultidisciplinaryResearchE-Journal 3(2): 33-37. April - May - June 2018.
Franssen, Trijsje
in: Ranisch, Robert and Sorgner, Stefan L., eds. Post- and transhumanism: An Introduction. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014. p. 73-82.
Alerm-Gonzalez, Alina J.; Gonzalez-Perez, Ubaldo
Persona y Bioética 23(1): 14-33. June 2019.
Henry, Claire
In: Duncan, Pansy; Henry, Claire; and Molly, Missy, eds. Screening the Posthuman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. p. 149-181.
Hay, Jonathan
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 19(1): 28-46. Spring 2019.
Evans, Taylor Scott
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2018. 349 p. (DAI-A 77(9)(E).)
DeFalco, Amelia; Dolezal, Luna
In: Hamilton, Grant and Lau, Carolyn, eds. Mapping the Posthuman. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 115-132.
Austin, Patrycja; Rokosz-Piejko, Elzbieta
New York: Peter Lang, 2019. 143 p.
Nandy, Rimi
SFRA Newsletter 51(1): . Winter 2021. (Symposium: Beyond Borders)
Hurley, Kelly
in: Halberstam, Judith/Livingston, Ira, eds. Posthuman Bodies. Bloomington: indiana University Press, 1995. p. 203-224.
Wight, Linda
in: Boone, Mark J. and Neece, Kevin C., eds. Science Fiction and the Abolition of Man: Finding C.S. Lewis in Sci-Fi Film and Television. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. p. 178-191.
Porkertova, Hana
In: Karkulehto, Sanna, Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa, and Varis, Essi, eds. Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 182-200.
Karkulehto, Sanna; Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa; Varis, Essi
New York: Routledge, 2020. 286 p.
Karkulehto, Sanna; Koistinen. Aino-Kaisa; Varis, Essi
In: Karkulehto, Sanna, Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa, and Varis, Essi, eds. Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 1-19.
Drewitz, Tana-Julie
REDEN 4(1): 59-75. 2022. DOI: 10.37536/reden.2022.4.1837
Porter, Ryan
Excursions 10(2): 48-65. 2020.
Attebery, Stina Evans
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2020. 170 p. (DAI-A 82(4)(E).)
Grover, Mary M.
In: Nanda, Aparajita; and Crosby, Shelby, eds. God is Change: Religious Practices and Ideologies in the Works of Octavia Butler. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2021. p. 71-85.
Lord, Christina
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Kansas, 2019. 387 p. (DAI-A 81(2)(E).)
Marto, Joaquin Jesus
Iris No. 43: . 2023. DOI : 10.35562/iris.3425
Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava
in: Ranisch, Robert and Sorgner, Stefan L., eds. Post- and transhumanism: An Introduction. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014. p. 49-72.
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