Wilde, Dana
Xavier Review 25(1): 66-76. 2005.
Smyth, J. E.
in: Croft, Janet B., ed. Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2004. p. 3-26.
McKenna, Elise
in: Lam, Adam and Oryshchuk, Nataliya, ed. How We Became Middle-earth: A Collection of Essays on The Lord of the Rings. Zollikofen, SW: Learning Tree, 2007. p. 229-238.
Carretero Gonzalez, Margarita
in: Young, Helen, ed. Fantasy and Science Fiction Medievalisms: From Isaac Asimov to A Game of Thrones. Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2015. p. 35-56.
Croft, Janet B.
Altedana, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2004. 320 p.
Risden, E. L.
in: Picturing Tolkien: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy, ed by Janice M. Bogstad and Philip E. Kaveny. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 70-83.
Chance, Jane
in: Croft, Janet B., ed. Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2004. p. 175-194. (Reprinted from Mallorn 43: 30-37. 2005.)
Goldie, David
in: Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, et al., eds. Tolkien Adaptations: Interdisziplinares Seminar der DTG 26.bis 28. April 2013. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2013. (Hither Shore, Band 10) p. 204-217.
Calia, Michael
Speakeasy Blog (The Wall Street Journal). December 17, 2014. [2 p.] Online resource: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2014/12/17/women-seize-more-of-middle-earth-in-the-hobbit-the-battle-of-the-five-armies/
Mihailova, Mihaela
Post Script 33(1): 3-16. Fall 2013.
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