May, Katelyn Marie
Master's Thesis, San Diego State University, 2019. 70 p. (MAI 81(7)(E).)
King, Roma A., Jr.
in: Watson, Jeanie and Fries, Marueen, eds. The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989. pp.65-77.
Kollmann, Judith J.
Kansas Quarterly 16(3): 35-44. Summer 1984.
Le Guin, Ursula K.
in: Le Guin, Ursula K. Cheek by Jowl: Talks and Essays on How and Why Fantasy Matters. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2009. p. 43-108.
Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2009. 149 p.
Castro, Ingrid E.
Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. 290 p.
Moss, Anita
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1979. 387 p. (DAI-A 40(7).)
Levy, Michael; Mendlesohn, Farah
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 274 p.
Goderham, David
Children's Literature in Education 26(3): 171-183. September 1995.
Harms, J. M.
Language Arts 52(7):942-946. October 1975.
Harms, Jeanne M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1972. 310pp. (DAI 33:6234A)
Kaeuper, Richard W.
in: Sullivan, Ceri/White, Barbara, eds. Writing and Fantasy. New York: Longman, 1999. pp. 62-73.
Manlove, Colin N.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992. 356pp.
Salmon, Jacqueline L.
Washington Post Sec. A, p. 1. July 18, 2007.
Stableford, Brian M.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Vol 5. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, Inc., 1983. pp. 2501-2516.
Howey, Ann F.
Extrapolation 41(2): 11-126. Summer 2000.
Valverde Velasco, Alicia Maria
452 F: Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature No. 24: 99-114. 2021.
Andrade, Pilar
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 10(4): [9 p.] December 2008. (
Wilgus, Neal
in: Schweitzer, Darrell, ed. Discovering Classic Fantasy Fiction: Essays on the Antecedents of Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1996. pp.113-121.
Sircar, Sanjay
Lion and the Unicorn 21(2): 162-192. 1997.
Bloom, Harold
New York: Chelsea House, 1994. 187pp.
Weiner, Jesse
in: Rogers, Brett M. and Stevens, Benjamin E., eds. Classical Traditions in Modern Fantasy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. p. 25-46.
Rogers, Brett; Stevens, Benjamin E.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. 367 p.
Wagner, Vivian A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1996. 179 p. (DAI-A 57(11): 4745, May 1997.)
Gibson, Julia D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 2019. 186 p. (DAI-A 80(11)(e).)
in: Slusser, George E., ed. Bridges to Fantasy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. pp. 1-19.
Puschmann-Nalenz, Barbara
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Fantasy in Film und Literatur. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 1996. p. 163-179. (Anglistik und Englischunterricht, Band 59)
Williams, Madawc
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 26: 5-15. September 1989.
Weaver, Molly Elizabeth
Master's Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2004. iv, 119 p.
La Farge, Tom
New York Review of Science Fiction 17(3): 1, 4-5. November 2004. (No. 195)
Latham, Robert A.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 5(3): 46-57. 1993. (No. 19) Also in: Latham, Robert A. and Collins, Robert A., eds. Modes of the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. pp.29-37.
Weinberg, Robert
Fantasy Newsletter 3(11): 16-18. November 1980.
Boger, Astrid; Schmeink, Lars
Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. 364 p.
Michel, Albin
Paris: A. Michel, 1991. 247 p.
No authors listed.
Gypsy Scholar 2(2):55-68. 1975.
Elgin, Don D.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985. 204 p.
Extrapolation 28(1):37-44. Spring 1987.
Mountjoy, Harry W.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1934.
Thompson, Raymond H.
in: Watson, Jeanie and Fries, Marueen, eds. The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989. pp.143-153.
Li, Amy S.
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 14(4): 493-496. 2020. DOI: 10.3828/jlcds.2020.33.
Thompson, R. H.
Fantasy Review 8(12): 12-13. December 1985.
Kramer, Kelly
Mythlore 35(2): 153-169. Spring/Summer 2017.
Campbell, Jane Powell
Ph. D. Dissertation, Middle Tennessee State University, 1998. 130pp. (DAI-A 59(4): 1161. Oct. 1998.)
Barry, P. J. (Patrick)
Master's Thesis, Texas A & M University, 1995. vii, 129 p.
Fledderjohann, Constance C.
Master's Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1967. v, 68pp.
Holmes, Shirley Cathryn
Master's Thesis, University of Southern California, 1952. 156 p. (MAI 54(2).)
Stone, Tracy
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2009. v, 62 p.
McLendon, Will L.
in: Collins, Robert A. and Pearce, Howard D., eds. Scope of the Fantastic: Theory, Technique, Major Authors. Westport: Greenwood, 1985. pp. 143-150.
Spehner, Norbert
Paradoxa No. 13/14: 270-287. 2000.
Oberwetter, Eleanor Ann Arnold
Master's Thesis, University of Texas at Dallas, 1986. 67 p. (MAI 43(6).)
Found 2,122 items on 43 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.