Chang, Alenda Y.
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 335-338. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Davis, Kristen J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, West Virginia University, 2017. 209 p. (DAI-A 78(10(E).)
Lashmet, David
Mosaic 54(2): 55-71. June 2021.
Mendoza, Ruben
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 361-363. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Wills, Melissa
In: Cortiel, Jeanne, Hanke, Christine, Hutta, Jan S., and Milburn, Colin, eds. Practices of Speculation: Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2020. p. 119-144.
Craft-Holifield, Deana
Master's Thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 2000. v, 91 p.
Touzos, Amina A.
Bielefeld: Transcript: Verlag für Kommunikation, Kultur und soziale Praxis, 2024. p. 311-334.
Tidwell, Christy
Science Fiction Film & Television 14(3): 395-412. Autumn 2021.
Selamet, Sezer
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 157-170.
George, Susan A.
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 127-132.
Hoglund, Anna
In: Hoglund, Anna and Trenter, Cecilia, eds. The Enduring Fantastic: Essays on Imagination and Western Culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 68-87.
Smith, Angela M.
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 84-108.
Oramus, Dominika
English Studies 101(8): 998-1008. December 2020.
Fink, Marty M.
Science Fiction Studies 37(3): 416-432. November 2010.
Renstrom, Joelle
In: Smith, Carissa T., ed. Connie Willis's Science Fiction: Doomsday Everyday. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 27-38.
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 86-108.
Robnik, Drehli
Berlin: Neofelis Verlag, 2020. 172 p.
Jelinek, Jin
In: Dedinova, Tereza, Laszkiewicz, Weronika, and BorowskaSzerszun, Sylwia, eds. Images of the Anthropocene in 
Speculative Fiction: Narrating the Future. Lanham, MD: 
Lexington Books, 2021. p. 105-120.
Henkel, Dennis
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 69-74.
Danesi, Marcel
New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2023, 116 p.
Petretto, Cecilia
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 17(1): 21-32. Spring 2006.
Thiel, Wolfgang
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 205-218.
White, Francis R.
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 109-128.
Ray, Francis
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 109-128.
Polak, Sara
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 41-60.
Haas, Astrid
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 199-218.
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 199-234.
Becker, Sandra
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 131-158.
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 131-158.
Bould, Mark
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 327-329. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Smith, Richard H.
Cineaste 35(1): 42-45. Winter 2009.
Slusser, George E.; Westfahl, Gary
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 151-172.
Cleave, Robert Van
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 101-110.
Obermeier, Franz
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 283-290.
Lush, Rebecca M.
In: Nylander, Susan and Taylor, Amanda, eds. Death in Supernatural: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 70-86.
Hendrix, Howard V.
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 141-150.
Wiebe, Reginald; Woodman, Dorothy
Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2023. 376 p.
Farrugia-Jones, Cynthia
in: Grech, Victor, Scerri, Mariella, and Zammit, David J., eds. Star Trek: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Theory and Practice. Pembroke, Malta: SciFi Malta, 2015. p. 52-61.
Campbell, Craig
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 329-331. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Ostherr, Kirsten A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Brown University, 2001. 371 p. (DAI-A 62(2): 370. Aug. 2001.)
Bennett, M. T.
Supernatural Studies 7(1): 73-94. Spring/Summer 2021.
Horn, Ben; Martin, Jayde
SFRA Review 51(2): 209-218. Spring 2021.
Zhou, Dihao
Science Fiction Studies 50(3): 431-453. November 2023.
Bacon, Simon
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 111 p.
Bollinger, Laurel
Extrapolation 50(3): 377-399. Fall 2009.
Bernardez, Sara Gonzalez
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 94-106.
Cruz, Ronald A. L.
Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2015. 126 p.
Otto, Isabell
In: Meteling, Arno, ed. "Previously on ...": Zur Ästhetik der Zeitlichkeit neuerer TV-Serien. Paderborn: Fink, 2010. p. 243-258.
LeMenager, Stephanie
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 357-359. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Sullivan, Heather I.
Science Fiction Studies 49(2; [#147]): 342-358. July 2022.
Taylor-Brown, Emilie
in: Wood, Andrea and Schillace, Brandy, eds. Unnatural Reproductions and Monstrosity: The Birth of the Monster in Literature, Film and Media. Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2014. p. 133-158.
Wulff, Hans J.
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 183-189.
Agin, Basak; Horzum, Safak
SFRA Review 51(2): 150-157. Spring 2021.
Bear, Greg
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 119-126.
Westfahl, Gary
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 111-118.
Li, Hua
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 359-61. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Murphy, Graham J.
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 363-365. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 85-92.
Nabutanyi, Edgar F.
Journal of Literary Studies 38(1): #10413. 15 pages. 2022.
Veysey-White, Isaac
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 14(3): 351-363. June 2023.
Kafara, Rylan
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 119-132.
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 53-60.
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 75-84.
Morelock, Jeremiah
Ph. D. Dissertation, Boston College, 2019. ix, 208 p. (DAI-A 81(3)(E).)
Becker, Sandra; de Bruin-Mole, Megen; Polak, Sara
Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. 301 p,
de Bruin-Mole, Megen; Polak, Sara
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 1-14.
Reyes, Xavier A.; Verran, Joanna
Emerging Infectious Diseases 24(9): September 2018. 1774-1778.
Fernandez-Vander Kaay, Kathleen; Vander Kaay, Chris
In: Fernandez-Vander Kaay, Kathleen and Vander Kaay, Chris, eds. Indie Science Fiction Cinema Today: Conversations with 21st Century Filmmakers. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 100-101.
Domingo, Julia Echeverría
New York: Routledge, 2023. 248 p.
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 93-104.
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 197-204.
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 237-250.
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 237-250.
Feld, Thomas
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 273-278.
Rai, Manasvini
In: Baysal, Kubra, ed. Apocalyptic Visions in the Anthropocene and the Rise of Climate Fiction. Cham: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. p. 213-232.
Cziganyik, Zsolt
SFRA Review 51(2): 228-234. Spring 2021.
Kremmel, Laura R.
in: Bacon, Simon, ed. The Evolution of Horror in the Twenty-First Century. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 291-302.
Crystal, Warren
English Studies in Africa, , Vol. 64 Issue 1/2, p114-120. July/October 2021.
Warren, Crystal
English Studies in Africa 64(1/2): 114-120. 2021.
Burt, Benjamin
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 81-93.
Treftz, Jill M.
In: Smith, Carissa T., ed. Connie Willis's Science Fiction: Doomsday Everyday. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 39-56.
Miller, Joseph D.
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 53-66.
Leggatt, Matthew
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 69-80.
Mosaic 33(4): 55-72. December 2000.
Batzke, Ina; Hess, Linda M.
Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender 20(2 [No. 80]): 54-75. 2021.
Webber, Jeannette
Book 2.0 11(1): 65-79. 2021.
Schweitzer, Dahlia
in: Clark, Leisa, Firestone, Amanda, and Pharr, Mary F., eds. The Last Midnight: Essays on Apocalyptic Narratives in Millennial Media. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 79-89.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 2018. 265 p. (DAI-A 79(8)(E).)
Servitje, Lorenzo
Science Fiction Studies 43(1): 85-103. March 2016.
Kidd, Dustin
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 91-100.
Rieder, John
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 365-366. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Gaur, Rashmi; Khobra, Ujjwal
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 41-53.
Henkel, Dennis; Hennefeld, Maggie
In: Henkel, Dennis and Wulff, Hans J., eds. Seuchen, Epidemien und Pandemien in Film: ein kaleidoskopisches Panorama zur Geschichte des Infektionfilms. New York, Waxman verlag, 2022. p. 245-254.
Tarr, Clayton C.
Studies in the Novel 47(2): 141-157. Summer 2015.
Cade, Octavia
Supernatural Studies 7(1): 95-111. Spring/Summer 2021.
Banerjee, Anindita
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 321-323. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Alberro, Heather; Atasoy, Emrah; Castle, Nora; Firth, Rhiannon; Scott, Conrad
In: Alberro, Emah A., Castle, Nora, Firth, Rhiannon and Scott, Conrad, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 1-26.
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 1-8.
De La Cerda, Mia
Master's Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2023. 91 p. (MAI 94(10)(E).)
de Bruin-Mole, Megen
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 159-181.
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