Davis, Nick
in: Seed, David, ed. Imagining Apocalypse: Studies in Cultural Crisis. New York: St. Martin's, 2000. p. 136-150.
Dickinson, Robert J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1996. 411 p. (DAI-A 57(9): 3722. March 1997.)
Jaffe, Aaron
Textual Practice 34(9) 1519-1535. September 2020.
Palmer, Christopher
Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2021. 352 p.
Parkinson, Gavin
Word & Image 32(3): 294-310. July/September 2016.
Alloway, Lawrence; Mavridorakis, Valérie
Genève: Mamco, 2011. 271 p.
No authors listed.
Paris Review 94: 133-160. Winter 1984.
Latham, Robert A.
In: McGrath, Rick, ed. Deep Ends: A Ballardian Anthology 2021. Powell River: Terminal Press, 2021. p. 170-176.
Walls, Richard C.
Science Fiction Eye No. 8: 75-77. Winter 1991.
Gamez, Luis
Alfinge No. 27: 43-63. 2015.
Andrews, Stephen E.
in: McGrath, Rick, ed. Deep Ends: the J G Ballard Anthology 2016. Toronto: Terminal Press, 2016. p. 178-187.
Ciorra, Pippo
in: Prezzavento, Paolo, ed. Le citta e la violenza I mondi urbani e post-urbani de James G. Ballard. Ascoli Peceno, IT: Otium, 2007. p. 41-44.
Hoyle, Ben
Times (London) p. 5. April 20, 2009.
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Bridgman, Joan
in: Ketterer, David, ed. Flashes of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from The War of the Worlds Centennial, Nineteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004. p. 229-238.
Spinrad, Norman
In: Schmidt, Jerome and Noteris, Emilie, eds. J. G. Ballard: hautes altitudes. s.l.: Ere, 2008. p. 147-156,
Stephenson, William
Critique 48(3), 278-293. Spring 2007.
Sellars, Simon
Colloquy : Text Theory Critique No. 17:44-61. 2009. www.colloquy.monash.edu.au/issue17.pdf
Rozelle, Lee
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 17(1): 61–71. Winter 2010.
Dini, Rachele
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 28(1): 207-229. Spring 2021. https://doi-org.srv-proxy2.library.tamu.edu/10.1093/isle/isz003
Klein, Sascha
Space and Culture 23(4): 409–424. November 2020.
Clement, Tracey
Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture, 3 (1): 26-54. August 2018/
Martin, Craig
Literary Geographies 2(1): 79-95. 2016.
Lehman, Robert S.
Journal of Modern Literature 41(4): 161-178. Summer 2018.
Brown, Richard
Literary Geographies 2(1): 65-78. 2016.
Found 700 items on 28 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.