Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 192-204.
Wells, Joshua J.
Reviews in Anthropology 2014 43(1): 5-34. 2014.
Platts, Todd K.
Sociology Compass 7(7): 547–560. July 2013.
Ibisi, Sait
Master's Thesis, University of Arkansas, 2018. 63 p. (MAI 57(5M)(E).)
Richard, Jordan
Master's Thesis, University of Mississippi, 2011. 111, 107p. (MAI 49(6) 2011)
Mazer, Charles L.
Master's Thesis, Texas Technological College, 1968. 59 p.
Cook, Timothy Edwin
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982. 327 p. (DAI-A 43(8).)
Nuttall, Alice E.
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 102-113.,
Papson, Stephen Dennis
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 1976. 272 p. (DAI-A 37(9).)
Sims, Jenn
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 164-171.
Quissell, Barbara C.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Utah, 1973. viii, 309 p. (DAI-A 34(4), p. 1867, October 1973.)
O'Brien, Grainne
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 182-189.
Christie, Katie
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 36-45.
Halstead, Michael N.
Cornell Journal of Social Relations 11(1): 59-64. Spring 1976.
Hernandez, Marcia D.; Kalz, Kristen; Maatita, Florence
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 18-25.
Arteaga Botello, Nelson
Ciudad de México : FLACSO-México, 2020. 123 p.
Hoberek, Andrew
Paradoxa No. 18: 81-98. 2003.
Wellman, Barry
American Sociologist 3(4): 305-306. November 1968.
Chilewska, Anna
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 172-181.
Hayes, Ty
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 114-124.
Thomas, Kayla L.
Master's Thesis, Colorado State University, 2021. 130 p. (MAI 83(3)(E).)
Hall, Kelley J.; Lucal, Betsy
Teaching Sociology 27(1): 60-66. January 1999.
Ratnabalasuiar, Sher
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 26-35.
Munderlein, Kerstin-Anja
In: Mittermeier, Sabrina and Spychala, Mareik, eds. Fighting for the Future: Essays on Star Trek: Discovery. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2020. p. 165-186.
Rooney, Charles J., Jr.
Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 1968. 296 p. (DAI-A 29(3), p. 877, September 1968.)
Found 56 items on 3 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.