Folwler, Megan
in: Edmundson, Melissa, ed. The Gothic Tradition in Supernatural. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 155-166.
Bainbridge, Jason G.; Delaney, Elizabeth
Continuum: Media and Cultural Studies 26(4): 637-651. 2012.
Gordon, Andrew
Science Fiction Studies 14(3):372-385. November 1987. Updated and extended in: Ni Fhlainn, Sorcha, ed. The Worlds of Back to the Future: Critical Essays on the Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 29-48.
Busse, Kristina
in: Wilcox, Rhonda V. and Lavery, David, eds. Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002. p. 207-217.
Kingsley, David
Journal of Popular Film & Television 41(3): 145-153. 2013.
Nicks, Robin Jean Gray
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Florida, 2006. 182 p. (DAI-A 67(6): 2160. December 2006.) hiip://
Barkman, Adam
In: Silverman, Eric J. and Arp, Robert, eds. The Ultimate Game of Thrones and Philosophy: You think or Die. Chicago, IL: Open Court, 2017. p. 111-118.
Brown, Alistair
in: Leeson, Miles, ed. Incest in contemporary literature. Manchestr, UK: Manchester University Press, 2018. p. 198-222.
Gobel, Franziska
In: Gymnich, Marion, Birk, Hanne, and Burkhard, Denise, eds. Harry - yer a Wizard! Exploring J. K. Rowling's Potter Universe. Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag, 2017. p. 215-224.
Ravenwood, Victoria Renée Rhodessa
Master's Thesis, Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), 2018. 99p. (DAI-C 82(2)(E).) https://re
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