Osei, Elisabeth Abena
Critical Studies in Media Communication 37(4): 378-390. October 2020.
Dietz, William C.
SFWA Bulletin 45(2): 35-41. Spring 2011.
Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America 45 (3): 61-65. Summer 2011. No. 194.
SFWA Bulletin 46(1): 31-36. Winter 2012.
Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America 46 (2): 40-45. Spring 2012. No. 197.
Simons, Lester E.
in: Reynolds, Patricia and GoodKnight, Glen H., eds. Proceedings of the J. R. R. Tolkien Centenary Conference, Keble College, Oxford, 1992. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 1995. pp.340-343. (Mythlore Vol. 21, No. 2, Winter 1996, Whole No. 80)
Cox, F. Brett
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 900-902.
Bush, Harold K.
in: Kavadlo, Jesse, ed. Don DeLillo in Context. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. p. 291-298.
Brooke, Keith
Focus (BSFA) No 57: 18-20. Autumn 2011.
Beukes, Lauren
Focus (BSFA) No. 58: 18-19. Spring 2012.
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