Fung, Catherine; Prater, Tzarina T.
in: Roh, David S., Huang, Betsy and Niu Greta A., eds. Techno-Orientalism: Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History, and Media. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2015. p. 193-208.
Mansbridge, Joanna
West Coast Line 38(2): 121-133. Fall 2004.
Monjur, Sababa
SFRA Review 53(1): 21-24. Winter 2023
Calvoâ€Pascual, Mónica
Orbis Litterarum 73(5): 405-417. October 2018.
Tran, Sharon N.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 2017. 260 p. (DAI-A 78(11)(E).)
Klimenko, Marina
Studies in Canadian Literature 45(2): 161-180. July 2021.
Allan, Kathryn
Ph.D., McMaster University (Canada), 2010. 232 p. (DAI-A 72(8), Februray 2012.)
Gatermann, Julia
Science Fiction Studies 50(1): 81-102. March 2023.
Villegas Lopez, Sonia
Critique 56(1): 26-41 2015.
Kang, Jiaqi
Sine Theta Magazine 2 September 2019.
Pearson, Wendy G.
In: Ransom, Amy J. and Grace, Dominick M., eds. Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Bridging the Solitudes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. p. 185-201.
Olsen, Cassandra Y.
Studies in Canadian Literature 46(1): 145-165. January 2022.
Mackey, Allison; Yazicioglu, Ozlem Ogut
SFRA Review 51(2): 199-207. Spring 2021.
Dobson, Kit
in: Grubisic, Brett J., Baxter, Gisele M., and Lee, Tara, eds. Blast, Corrupt, Dismantle, Erase: Contemporary North American Dystopian Literature. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2014. p. 393-408.
Birns, Nicholas
Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association e-journal 2(2): 1-15. 2006. (
Cavar, Sarah
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 17(4): 507-522. 2023.
Lai, Larissa
Canadian Literature Issue 240, p20-39. 2020.
Latimer, Heather
In: Latimer, Heather. Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013. p. 104-133.
Costa, Stevi
In: Stanton, Courtney, ed. Project(ing) Human Representations of Disability in Science Fiction. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 2023. p. 129-148.
West Coast Line 38(2): 168-175. Fall 2004.
Batzke, Ina; Hess, Linda M.
Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender 20(2 [No. 80]): 54-75. 2021.
In: Vint, Sherryl and Buran, Sumeyra, eds. Technologies of Feminist Speculative Fiction: Gender, Artificial Life, and the Politics of Reproduction, ed. by Sherryl Vint and Sumeyra 
Buran. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 91-108.
Mathur, Ashok
Online resources: [7 p.]
Reimer, Sharlee
in: Grubisic, Brett J., Baxter, Gisele M., and Lee, Tara, eds. Blast, Corrupt, Dismantle, Erase: Contemporary North American Dystopian Literature. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2014. p. 61-72.
Morris, Robyn
Australian-Canadian Studies 20(1): 75-98. 2002. (Reprinted, Revised, in West Coast Line 38(2): 69-86. 2004.)
Sharp, Sabine R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Manchester, 2021. 306 p. (DAI-C 83(3)(E).)
Lee, Tara
West Coast Line 38(2): 94-109. Fall 2004.
Scott, Conrad
In: Bacon, Simon, ed. The Anthropocene and the Undead: Cultural Anxieties in the Contemporary Popular Imagination. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 211-226.
Campbell, Peyton
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 131-137.
Calvin, Ritch
In: Calvin, Ritch, ed. Queering SF: Readings. Seattle, WA.: Aqueduct Press, 2022. p. 53-58.
Reid, Michelle
Extrapolation 49(3): 353-367. Winter 2008.
West Coast Line 38(2): 69-86. Fall 2004.
In: Calvin, Ritch, ed. Queering SF: Readings. Seattle, WA.: Aqueduct Press, 2022. p. 99-102.
Joo, Hee-Jung Serenity
Critique 55(1): 46-59. 2014.
Contemporary Women's Writing 13(2): 222-241. July 2019.
Guffey, Robert
New York Review of Science Fiction 17(10): 16-19. June 2002. (No. 202)
West Coast Line 38(2): 21-30. Fall 2004.
Lousley, Cheryl
Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 25(2): 412-428. Spring 2018.
Neilson, Shane
Studies in Canadian Literature 48(1): 87 - 108. 2023.
Bezan, Sarah
in: Vakoch, Douglas A., ed. Ecofeminist Science Fiction: International Perspectives on Gender, Ecology, and Literature. New York: Routledge, 2021. p. 75-86.
Lai, Paul
Melus 33(4): 167-187. Winter 2008.
Cheng, Kai
Autostraddle 6 December 2018.
Phung, Malissa
Postcolonial Text 7(3): 1-19. 2012.
Battisti, Chiara
Women: A Cultural Review 34(1-2): 118-137. 2023.
Pascual, Monica Calvo
Helice 7(1 [#30]): 99-110. Primavera/Verano 2021 [No. 30]
Wong, Rita
BC Studies, no. 140, 109-124. Winter 2003/2004.
Podruczna, Agnieszka
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 183-189.
Haristoy, Lisa
ReS Futurae No. 21. 2023.
Foundation 33(91): 81-96. Summer 2004.
Cho, Jennifer
WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly 52(3/4): 153-168. Fall-Winter 2024.
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