Oktar, Sibel
in: Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa, ed. Analecta Husserliana: The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research. Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two. New York: Springer. 2014. p. 149-163.
Kauderer, Herb
Ph. D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2018. 185 p. (DAI-A 80(2)(E).)
Thompson, Matthew I.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2020. 223 p. (DAI-A 82(6)(E).)
Yule, Jeffrey V.
Master's Thesis, Ohio State University, 1991. v, 129 p. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1152564131 (3.52Mb)
Friedman, A. J.
American Journal of Physics 47(5): 392-395. May 1979.
Farnell, Ian
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Warwick (UK), 2021. x, 228 p. (DAI-C 84(10).) http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/171249/ (2 Mb) https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.866022
Lehmann, Vivian V.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 2002. 236 p. (DAI-A 63(4): 1370. Oct. 2002.)
Wagoner, Penelope C.
Master's Thesis, University of Washington, 1973. 78 p.
Moore, Jean P.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, 1981. 207 p. (DAI-A 42(4).)
Skomrlj, Jakov Andro
Master's Thesis, University of Split / Sveuciliste u Splitu, Croatia, 2023. 67 p. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:172:455291
Levy, Mark E.
Master's Thesis, Brown University, 1976. ii, 43 p.
GarcÃa Simón, Licet
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida International University, 2018. 288 p. (DAI-A 81(7)(E).)
Mitchell, James B.
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 3: 115-127. Fall 2003.
Sartiano, George A., III
Master's Thesis, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2006. 72 p.
Latham, Robert A.
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Sato, Kumiko
Ph. D. Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 2005. 249 p. (DAI-A 66(8): 2923. February 2006.)
Willems, Philippe
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Colorado, 1998. 430pp. (DAI-A 59(3): 819. Sept. 1998.)
Pierson, Michele
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Melbourne, 2001. 237 p.
Warrick, Patricia S.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1977. 316 p. (DAI-A 40(1): 253. July 1979.)
Wood, Brent D.
Master's Thesis, Trent University, 1995. 263pp. (Master's Abstracts 34(1): 124. Feb. 1996.)
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Forlini, Stefania
Ph. D. Dissertation, Simon Fraser University, 2007. 274 p. (DAI-A 70(3), September 2009.)
Alessio, Dominic; Meredith, Kristen
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 13(2): . Fall 2012. https://muse-jhu-edu.srv-proxy2.library.tamu.edu/article/483772
Ramos, Diana Alexandra Oliveira
Master's Thesis, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), 2022. 90 p. (DAI-C 84(4)(E).)
Rullkotter, Bernd
M. Litt. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1974. [2], v, 170 p. (DAI-C 70(82).) http://theses.gla.ac.uk/74037/1/10753947.pdf (4.3 Mb)
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