No authors listed.
Chronicle 27(10): 11. November 2005. (No. 264)
Locus 55(6): 11. December 2005.
Locus 79(5): 7. November 2017.
Rubinstein, Bilhah
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 248-262.
Gurevitch, Danielle
in: Edrei, Shawn and Gurevitch, Danielle, eds. Science Fiction Beyond Borders. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2016. p. 127-148.
Tidhar, Lavie
London: Repeater Books, 2016. 149 p.
Schwartz, Dav
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 263-281.
Strazdins, Estelle
in: Haslem, Wendy, Ndalianis, Angela and Mackie, Chris, eds. Super/Heroes: From Hercules to Superman. Washington, DC: New Academia Publishing, 2007. p. 275-287.
Bar-Yosef, Eitan
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 112-140.
Marron, Orley
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 87-102.
Chreiteh (Shraytekh), Alexandra
In: Wames, Christopher and Sasser, Kim A., eds. Magic Realism and Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2020. p. 217-238.
Omry, Keren
SFRA Review No. 306: 8-11. Fall 2013.
Kaplan, R. B.
Locus 14(4):13. May 1981.
Pumphrey, Nicholaus
in: Darowski, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of the X-Men: Essays on the Children of the Atom in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 91-104.
Peretz, Ido
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 220-247.
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman
in: Barron, Neil, ed. Anatomy of Wonder. Third Edition. New York: Bowker, 1987. pp.577-582.
Internet Review of Science Fiction 1(11): [6 p.]. December 2004.
Locus 56(3): 40. March 2006.
Locus 79(6): 69. December 2017.
Locus 53(2): 71-72. August 2004.
Kluger, Daniel
Locus 51(2): 76-77. August 2003. (No. 511)
Graff, Rani
Locus 51(6): 76-77. December 2003.
Lottem, Emanuel; Teitelbaum, Sheldon
in: Zion's Fiction: A Treasury of Israeli Speculative Literature. Simsbury, Connecticut: Mandel Vilar Press, 2018. pp. 1-32.
Locus 66(1): 49. January 2011.
Locus 50(1): 37. January 2003.
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