Westfahl, Gary
In: Westfahl, Gary. Science Fiction Literature Through History: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO, 2021. p. 65-69.
Ball, Jonathan
Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 3(2): 162-74. Winter 2011.
Watson, Greer
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp. 37-54.
Levy, Michael M.
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp. 99-118.
Sullivan, C. W., III
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. 244pp.
Sanders, Joe
in: Bould, Mark et al. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009. p. 442-450.
Bartter, Martha A.
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp. 131-146.
Laakso, Maria; Lahtinen, Toni; Samola, Hanna
Utopian Studies 3(2): 193-213. 2019.
Katcher, Ruth
Locus 56(5): 38-39. May 2006.
Joyce, Graham
Locus 56(5): 41. May 2006.
Farmer, Nancy
Locus 56(5): 42. May 2006.
Latham, Robert A.
in: Wolf, Milton T. and Mallett, Daryl F., eds. Imaginative Futures: Proceedings of the 1993 Science Fiction Research Association Conference. San Bernardino, CA: Jacob's Ladder Books, 1995. pp.191-202.
Dinter, Astrid
In: Dinter, Astrid and Soderblom, Kerstin, eds. Vom Logos zum Mythos: “Herr der Ringe" und "Harry Potter" als zentrale Grunderzählungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Praktisch-theologische und religionsdidaktische Analysen. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2010. p. 41-62.
Mohr, Judith
Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2012. 374 p. (Based on the author's dissertation, Gottingen University, 2010.)
Priest, Hannah
in: Mutch, Deborah, ed. The Modern Vampire and Human Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 55-75.
Barclay, Bridgitte
in: Day, Sara K., Green-Barteet, Miranda A. and Montz, Amy L. eds. Female Rebellion in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction. Farnham: UK: Ashgate, 2014. p. 141-153.
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