Quach, Melinda
Master's thesis, California State University, Bakersfield, 2023. 111 p. (MAI 85(6)(E).)
Seligo, Carlos
in: Sayer, Karen and Moore, John, ed. Science Fiction, Critical Frontiers. London: Macmillan, 2000. pp. 69-84.
Baldick, Chris
in: Lowe-Evans, Mary, ed. Critical Essays on Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 185-202.
Lonone, Catherine
in: Smith, Andrew and Hughes, William, eds. EcoGothic. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2013. p. 28-43.
Cothren, Claire
English Journal 112(2): 48 - 54. November 2022. https://doi-org.srv-proxy1.library.tamu.edu/10.58680/ej202232168
Sharp, Sabine R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Manchester, 2021. 306 p. (DAI-C 83(3)(E).)
Bujdei, Carmen
Echinox Journal No. 4: 153-173. 2003.
Bernatchez, Josh
Science Fiction Studies 36(2): 205-216. July 2009. (Reprinted in: Evans, Arthur B., ed. Vintage Visions: Essays on Early Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2014.)
Oualline, Valerie Beth
Master's Thesis, Sam Houston State University, 2019. 190 p. (MAI 81(7)(E).)
Rauch, Alan
Studies in Romanticism 34(2): 227-253. Summer 1995.
Browne, Callum
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 34(1): 2023. 166-192.
Rigby, Mair
Ph. D. Dissertation, Cardiff University (UK), 2006. 247 p. https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/view/cardiffauthors/A026041M.html
Mulvey-Roberts, Marie
in: Davison, Carol M and Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, eds. Global Frankenstein. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 53-71.
Smith, Lindsey
In: Paradiso-Michau, Michael R., ed. Creolizing Frankenstein. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2024. p. 295-314.
Friedman, Lester D.; Kavey, Allison B.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016. 236 p.
Collings, David
Lewisberg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2009. 332 p.
Purushothaman, S.
Literary Voice 10(1); 24-31. March 2019.
Davison, Carol M.
in: Davison, Carol M and Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, eds. Global Frankenstein. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 109-129.
Doescher, Russell L.; Olson, Donald W.; Olson, Marilynn S.
Sky and Telescope 122(5): 69-74. November 2011.
Dunn, Jane
London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1978. 374pp.
Goldberg, M . A.
Keats-Shelley Journal 8(1): 27-38. Winter 1959.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, 1989. vii, 305 p. (DAI-A 59(12): 3964. June 1990.)
Silver, Alain; Ursini, James
New York: Limelight, 1994. 226pp.
Lampert-Weissig, Lisa
Journal of Dracula Studies No. 13: [13 p.]. 2011. (http://www.blooferland.com/drc/index.php?title=Journal_of_Dracula_Studies#Number_12_.282010.29) (Accessed 29 August 2012)
Chapman, Madison
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2023. 186 p. (DAI-A 85(2)(E).)
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