Anderson, Colleen Elizabeth
Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2017. 544 p. (DAI-A 82(4)(E).)
Fritzsche, Sonja R.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2001. 314 p. (DAI-A 62(3):1038. September 2001)
Foerster, Werner
in: Spittel, Olaf R., ed. Science Fiction: Essays. Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag Halle, 1987. p. 132-141.
Amberger, Alexander
Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh, 2014 329 p.
Breitenfeld, Annette
Wetzlar, Foerderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar, 1994. 188 p. (Based on the author's Ph. D. dissertation, Paedogogische Hochschule Magdeburg, 1989.)
Conn, Virginia L.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, 2021. 270 p. (DAI-A 83(1)(E).)
Gelderloos, Carl
Monatshefte Für Deutschsprachige Literatur Und Kultur 107(3): 468–482. 2015.
Monatshefte fur Deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur 107(3): 468-482. Fall 2015.
David, Thomas P.
In: Magid, Annette M., ed. Speculations of War: Essays on Conflict in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopian Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 190-213
Torner, Evan
in: Fritzsche, Sonja, ed. The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2014. p. 118-138.
Heiduschke, Sebastian.
In: Weiner, Robert G.; Barba, Shelley E., Eds. In the Peanut Gallery with Mystery Science Theater 3000: Essays on Film, Fandom, Technology, and the Culture of Riffing. McFarland, 2011. p 40-45.
Lorenz, Christoph F.
In: Lorenz, Christian, ed. Lexikon der Science Fiction- Literatur seit 1900. Mit einem Blick auf Osteuropa, edited by Christian Lorenz. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2017. p. 97-120.
Svoboda, Michal
Master's Thesis, Palacký-Universität Olomouc. 2009. 147 p.
Simon, Erik; Spittel, Olaf R.
Berlin : Verlag Das Neue Berlin, 1988. 348 p.
German Studies Review 29(2): 367-386. May 2006.
Utopian Studies 17(3): 441-464. 2006.
Lauckner, Nancy A.
in: Gerber, Margy, ed. Studies in GDR Culture and Society 7. Lanham, NY: University Press of America, 1987. pp.115-126.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2012. 204 P. (DAI-A 73(8), February 2013.)
Costabile-Heming, Carol A.
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 138-144.
Krupkat, Guenther
in: Kaczmarka, J., ed. Materialy z Miedzynarodowego Spotkania Pisarzy-Tworcow Literatury Fantastyczno-Naukowej. Poznan: Wyndawnictwo Poznanskie, 1974. pp. 25-30.
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies 40(2): 80-101. Fall 2010. Reprinted in: Banerjee, Anindita and Fritzsche, Sonja R., eds. Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. p. 135-164.
Zahlmann, Stefan
In: Hornlein, Frank and Heinecke, Herbert, eds. Zukunft im Film: Sozialwissenschaftliche Studie zu Star Trek und anderer Science-Fiction. Magdeburg: Scriptum Verlag, 2000. p. 71-86.
Simon, Erik
Foundation 34: 36-49. Autumn 1985.
Kiausch, Usch
HJEAS-Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 6(1): 79-102. 2000. Also in: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11(4): 375-394. 2001. Also in: Morse, Donald E., ed. Anatomy of Science Fiction. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar’s Press, 2006.
Kannapin, Detlef
In: Hornlein, Frank and Heinecke, Herbert, eds. Zukunft im Film: Sozialwissenschaftliche Studie zu Star Trek und anderer Science-Fiction. Magdeburg: Scriptum Verlag, 2000. p. 55-70.
Fokken, Silke
in: Kegler, Adelheid, et al, eds. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Aesthetik. 17. Band, 1999. Moers: Brendow Verlag, 1999. p. 138-155.
Schulz, Gudrun
in: Lange, Gunter and Steffens, Wilhelm, eds. Literarische und didaktische Aspekte der phantastischen Kinder- und Jungendliteratur. Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 1993. p. 135-148.
Extrapolation 47(3): 471-487. Winter 2006.
German Quarterly 77(4): 443-461. Fall 2004.
Steinmuller, Karlheinz
in: Alien Contact: Jahrbuch 2003. Berlin: Shayol, 2004. p. 160-164.
Spittel, Olaf R.
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 18(1/2):142-151. Spring/Summer 1984.
Both, Wolfgang
In: Wylutzki, Melanie and Kettlitz, Hardy, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2022. Berlin: Hernkost, 2022. p. 263-268.
Jasinski, Richard
Manuscript, undated, 11 typed leaves, illustrated. (Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection, Science Fiction Collected Papers) (Unpublished?)
Rottensteiner, Franz
Heyne Science Fiction Magazine 4: 219-259. 1982.
New York: Peter Lang, 2006. 333 p.
Berlin: Verlag Das Neue Berlin, 1982. 83 p.
Mercer, Sally
M. Litt. Thesis, Oxford University (UK), 1985 (i. e., 1986). 147 p. (DAI-C 70(1).)
Neufeld, Michael J.
in: Geppert, Alexander C. T., ed. Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. p. 106-126.
Soldovieri, Stefan
Film History 10( 3): 382–398. Jauary 1998.
Journal of Popular Culture 18(3):71-82. Winter 1984.
Heidtmann, Horst
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 18(1/2): 124-141. Spring/Summer 1984.
Blume, Mikaela
Ph. D. Dissertation, Paedagogische Hochschule 'Clara Zetkin', 1989. 125 p.
Major, Patrick
in: Hochscherf, Tobias, et al, eds. Divided, But Not Disconnected: German Experiences of the Cold War. New York: Berghahn, 2010. p. 204-219.
Spyratou, Agapi Virginia
In: Moreno Serrano, Fernando A. and Pellisa, Teresa L., eds. Ensayos sobre ciencia ficcion y literatura fantastica: 1er Congreso Internacional de Literatura Fantastica y Ciencia Ficcion. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 2008. p. 599-614.
In: Pellisa, Teresa L. and Moreno Serrano, Fernando A., eds. Ensayos sobre ciencia ficción y literatura fantástica: 1er Congreso Internacional de Literatura Fantástica y Ciencia Ficción. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 2008. p. 599-614.
Frey, Hans
s.l.: Memoranda Verlag, 2023. 380 p.
Berlin: Memoranda Verlag, 2023. 380 p.
Kemper, Dirk; Taskenov, Sergej
Berlin: Fink, 2014. 238 p.
Bammer, Angelika
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982. 424pp. DAI-A 43(8): 2656-2657. February 1983.)
Neumann, Hans-Peter; Steinmueller, Angela; Steinmuller, Karlheinz
Passau : Erster Deutscher Fantasy Club, 1995. 258 p.
Viceconti, Chiara
SFRA Review 54(3): 80-90. Summer 2024. (Symposium: Science Fiction and Socialiasm)
No authors listed.
s.l.: VBR, 1978. 64 p.
Gunther, Henry; Redlin, Ekkehard
s.l.: Schriftstellerverband der DDR, 1978. 64 p.
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 18(1/2): 112-123. Spring/Summer 1984.
Esselborn, Hans
Quarber Merkur No. 124: 159-181. 2024.
Draut, David
Marburg: Techtum, 2014. 337 p. (Based on the author's dissertation, Universiteit Letzebuerg/Universitat du Luxemburg/Universite de Luxembourg, 2013.)
Ballhausen, Thomas; Krenn, Gunter
Quarber Merkur 105/106: 7-18./ 2007.
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