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Tanenbaum, Karen; Tanenbaum, Theresa J.; Wakkary, Ron
CHI '12: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems May 2012, P. 1583–1592
Ballhausen, Thomas
Quarber Merkur No. 99/100: 61-68. 2004.
Barone, Diane; Barone, Rebecca
Reading Horizons 53(3): 1-32. Fall 2014.
Hodges, Amy
in: Nevarez, Lisa A., ed. The Vampire Goes to College: Essays on Teaching with the Undead. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 93-101.
Bennett, Lisa; Marshall, Helen; Wilkins, Kim
Futures Vol. 146. February 2023
Craig, Claire; Dillon, Sarah
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Bialecki, Jon
Australian Journal of Anthropology 33(3): 428-441. December 2022.
Miles, Ian
Futures 25(3): 315-321. April 1993. (Reprinted: Engineering Management Review 21(4): 49-52. Winter 1993.)
Sams, Edwin B.
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 5(3):235-237. Spring 1979.
Lindquist, Leroy
Master's Thesis, Souther Illinois University, 1977. 86 p.
Miller, Gregory D.
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Assour, Hannah R.; Bailey, Janelle M.; Fischer, Vanessa; Rodriguez, Gabriela E.; Shoda, Zainab
Science Teacher 88(3): 18-22. January/March 2021.
Ghezzi, Antonio; Lettieri, Emanuele; Radaelli, Giovanni; Toletti, Giovanni; Zoccarato, Francesca
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in: Nevarez, Lisa A., ed. The Vampire Goes to College: Essays on Teaching with the Undead. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 146-154.
Gunn, James
Science and Spirit 15(4): 66-69. July/August 2005.
Bucher, Katherine T.; Manning, M. Lee
ALAN Review 28(2): 41-45. Winter 2001.
Wysocki, Edward M., Jr.
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Hall, Kelley J.; Lucal, Betsy
Teaching Sociology 27(1): 60-66. January 1999.
Cavanaugh, Cathy; Cavanaugh, Terence W.
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Improving College and University Teaching 19(1):26-32. Winter 1971.
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Raham, Gary
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Radical Teacher No. 15: 31-34 . March 1980.
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr.
in: Tymn, Marshall B. Science Fiction: A Teacher's Guide and Resource Book. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1988. pp.125-137.
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Zoreda, Margaret L.
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Berne, Rosalyn W.; Schummer, Joachim
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Stockwell, Peter
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Dittmer, Jason
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30(1): 49-61. March 2006.
Osif, Bonnie A.
Research Strategies 11(2): 116-119. Spring 1993.
Anijar, Karen
New York: Falmer Press, 2000. 265pp.
MacDonald, Andrew; MacDonald, Gina
Extrapolation 23(4): 315-320. Winter 1982.
Spell, J. Everett; Wescott, Warren B.
English Journal 89(2): 70-76. November 1999.
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In: Michaud, Thomas, Ed. Science Fiction and Innovation Design. Newark: John Wiley, 2020. p. 1-13.
Lewis, Bob
Infoworld 18(45): 75. November 6, 1996.
Wepner, Shelley B.
The Reading Teacher 45(1): 68-70. September 1991.
White, Rosie
In: Kreider, Jodie A. and Winchell, Meghan K., eds. Buffy in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching with the Vampire Slayer. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2010. p. 136-145.
Raven, Paul G.
Energy Research and Social Science 31: 164-169. September 2017.
Rumpala, Yannick
Futuribles No. 413: 53-72. Juillet/Aout 2016.
Franklin, Ann
Western Ohio Journal 10(1): 102-106. Spring 1989.
Keyes, Florence M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Drew University, 2002. 199 p. (DAI-A 63(3): 954. Sept. 2002.)
Larsen, Kristine
in: Fraknoi, Andrew and Waller, William, eds. Cosmos in the Classroom 2004. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004. p. 237-245.
Kraus, Simon F.
Physics Education 55(6): 065014. November 2020.
Sutin, Lawrence
Hungry Mind Review pp.22-23. Winter 1995/1996.
Hill, Rebecca A.
VOYA 36(4): 46-48. October 2013.
in: Gunn, James Inside Science Fiction. Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2006. p. 123-130. (Reprinted from Destinies, Spring 1980.)
No authors listed.
Online Resource: [5 p.]
Johnson, Brian D.
Computer 47(3): 84-86. March 2014.
Kirby, Breeann Kyte
Ph.D. Dissertation, Bath Spa University, 2023. 537 p. [Research section only: (1 Mb)]
Andreadis, Athena
Thought & Action p. 9-17. Summer 2003.
Newitz, Annalee September 24, 2014. Accessed 6.October.2014.
Booker, M. Keith
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. 197pp.
Brunner, John
Phsics Education 6(6): 389-391. November 1971.
Goldstein, Amy B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 2002. 127 P. (DAI-B 63(7): 3472, January 2003.)
Degirmencay, Serif Ali; Karadeniz, Esra
Journal of Turkish Science Education 17(2): 225-241. June 2020.
Burford, Brandon
Master's Thesis, Central Michigan University, 2012. 347 p.
De Cruz, Helen; De Smedt, Johan
Midwest Studies In Philosophy 39(1): 58-77. September 2015.
Sawyer, Robert J.
in: Anders, Lou, ed. Projections: Science Fiction in Literature and Film. Austin, TX: Monkeybrain Books, 2004. p. 153-169.
Blythe, Mark
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18(4), 795–808. April 2014.
Dail, Jennifer S.; Giles, Tony
ALAN Review 39(3): 6-11. Summer 2012.
Barnett, Michael
Jounal of Science Education and Technology 15(2): 179-191. June 2006.
Laprise, Shari; Winrich, Chuck
Journal of College Science Teaching 40(2): 45-49. November/December 2010.
Gernsback, Hugo
Fantasy Times No. 170: 4-5. January (2) 1952. Also in: Science Fiction News No. 4: 4-5. April 1953. (World SF Convention Speech, 1952)
Khasawneh, Mohamad Ahmad Saleem
Kurdish Studies 12(1): 2205-2225. January 2024. DOI:
Nerlich, Brigitte, Clarke, David D., & Dingwall, Robert
Sociological Research Online 4(3: 251-261. September 1999.
Cardoso, Alexandra
Avanca Cinema 2020. [6 p.]
James, Patrick; Ruane, Abigail E.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012. 256 p.
International Studies Perspectives 9(4): 377-394. November 2008.
Barr, Marleen S.
Reconstruction 1(1): [17 p.] Fall 2001. (Online resource:
Knapp, Robert D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1985. 183 p.
Mokrzycki, Sarah J.
in: Bell, Christopher E. Transmedia Harry Potter: Essays on Storytelling Across Platforms. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 154-165.
Hasse, Cathrine
Cultural Studies of Science Education 10(4): 921-940. December 2015;
Found 831 items on 9 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.