Scott, Lucia
Master's Thesis, Baylor University, 2019. 145 p. (MAI 58(6)(E).)
Ackerman, Forrest J
In: Ortiz, Luis, ed. The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960. Greenwood, DE: Nonstop Press, 2019. p. 119-121. Reprinted from VOM No. 19, November 1941.
Castleberry, Traci N.
New York Review of Science Fiction 21(5): 13-17. January 2009. (No. 245)
Rigby, Mair
Gothic Studies 11(1): 45-57. May 2009.
Brinks, Ellen; Talley, Lee
in: Wiley, Cathering/Barnes, Fiona R., eds. Homemaking: Women Writers and the Politics and Poetics of Home New York: Garland, 1996. p. 145-174.
Podruczna, Agnieszka
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 183-189.
Garber, Eric; Paleo, Lyn
Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990. 286pp.
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Brown, Tracy
Los Angeles Times, August 3, 2022: E1, E2.
West, Christopher L.
Master's Thesis, University of Sussex, 1996.
Delany, Samuel R.
Paradoxa No. 18: 279-312. 2003.
Kane, Kathryn
in: Click, Melissa A., et al, eds. Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. p. 103-118.
Benshoff, Harry M.
in: Picart, Caroline J. S. and Browning, John E., eds. Speaking of Monsters: A Teratological Anthology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. p. 131-144.
Kvale, Lee
Master's Thesis, University of Oslo, 2022. 69 p.
Kuras, Pat M.; Schmieder, Rob
Gay Community News 8(10): 8-9. September 27, 1980. (Reprinted in Janus 6(2): 6-8. Winter 1980. (No. 18)
Rouner, Jeff
Houston Chronicle p. E1, E7. May 25, 2012.
O'Brien, Grainne
In: Ciolfi, Luigina and O'Brien, Grainne, eds. Magic is Might 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University, 2013. p. 67-73.
Khader, Jamil
Journal of Homosexuality 60(4): 532-557. April 2013.
Robbins, Trina
in: Duchamp, L. Timmel. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 1. Seattle, WA: Acqueduct, 2007. p. 9-16.
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Latham, Robert A.
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Millward, Liz
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Stepaniuk, Casey
in: Bright, Amy and Runte, Robert, eds. Curious, If True: The Fantastic in Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne,UK; Cambridge Scholars; 2012. p. 219-242.
Hanmer, Rosalind
Feminist Media Studies 14(4): 608-622. 2014.
Found 277 items on 6 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.