No authors listed.
Los Angeles (CA) Times Sec. A, p. 1. April 7, 1992. also in: NewsBank. Literature 35:B13-B14. 1992.; Newsbank. Names in the News NIN 105: F1. 1992.
New York Times p. A16. April 7, 1992.
Omni 14(9): 22. June 1992.
Miami (FL) Herald April 7, 1992. in: NewsBank. Names in the News NIN 84: G13. 1992.
Boston (MA) Herald April 7, 1992. in: NewsBank. Names in the News NIN 84: G12. 1992.
Atlanta (GA) Journal Sec. B, p. 1. April 7, 1992. in: NewsBank. Literature LIT 35: C1-C2. 1992.
New York (NY) Post. April 7, 1992. in NewsBank. Names in the News. 105:E14. 1992.
Locus 28(5): 4-5, 59-64. May 1992.
Detroit News & Free Press Sec. C, p. 12. April 11, 1992.
Austin (TX) American Statesman p. A1, A6. April 7, 1992.
New York Times Sec. 3, p. 8. April 12, 1992.
Locus 28(6): 1, 44-47, 69-71. June 1992.
Guardian p. 39. April 7, 1992.
Denver (CO) Post Sec. B, p. 6. April 7, 1992.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sec. B, p. 2. April 11, 1992.
Economist 323(7754): 87. April 11, 1992.
Battalion (Texas A&M University) p. 1. April 7, 1992.
Boston (MA) Herald. April 7, 1992. in NewsBank. Literature. 35:C3. 1992.
New York (NY) Post April 7, 1992. in: NewsBank. Names in the News NIN 105: E14. 1992.
USA Today Sec. D, p. 1. April 7, 1992.
Taylor, Angus
Foundation 42:59-64. Spring 1988.
Oliver, Myrna
in: Freedman, Carl, ed. Conversations with Isaac Asimov. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2005. p. 163-166. Reprinted from The Los Angeles Times, April 7, 1992.
Hurst, Leslie J.
Vector No. 167: 8-9. June/July 1992
Dreyfuss, Joel
Washington Post p. B1, B17. October 22, 1973.
Hull, Elizabeth A.
in: Sullivan, C. W., III. Science Fiction for Young Readers. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1993. pp.47-64.
Found 707 items on 29 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.