Berg, Lauren
Film Matters 2(3): 8-12. Fall 2011.
Ditommaso, Lorenzo
Science Fiction Studies 28(1): 49-65. March 2001.
Nagy, Gergely
In: Kirchy, Anna, ed. Posthumanism in Fantastic Fiction. Szeged: Americana, 2018. p. 56-73.
Tavener-Smith, Taryn
Master's Thesis, University of Johannesburg (South Africa), 2019. 152 p. (MAI 82(10)(E).)
Catalano, Walter; Pizzo, Gian Filippo; Vaccaro, Andrea
Bologna: Odoya, 2018. 349 p.
Babb, Genie
Wellsian No. 35; 38-50. 2012.
Michaud, Thomas
ReS futurae: Revue d’etudes sur la science-fiction. No. 9. 2017.
McDaniel, Kathryn N.
The History Teacher 43(2): 289-297. February 2010.
Leslie, Christopher
In: Leslie, Christopher. Hyperspace to Hypertext: Masculinity, Globalization, and Their Discontents. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan Singapore, 2023. p. 109-171.
Astic, Guy; Lehrich, Christopher
in: Dupeyron-Lafay, Francoise, ed. Poetique(s) de l'espace dans les oeuvres fantastiques et de science-fiction. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2007. p. 214-227.
Rottensteiner, Franz
in: Gaisbauer, R. Gustav, ed. Siebter Kongress der Phantasie. Die Letzten Dinge. Die andere Welt in Literatur, Kunst. Medien und Religion. Pessau, Germany: Erster Deutscher Fantasy Club, 2008. p. 29-35.
Tung, Charles M.
In: Tung, Charles M. Modernism and Time Machines. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. p. 35-78.
Goto, Hiromi
In: Mohanraj, Mary A., ed. The WisCon Chronicles, Volume 9: Intersections and Alliances. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2015. p. 21-30.
Falconer, Daniel
New York, NY : Harper Design, 2013. 215 p.
O'Connell, Maria
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 21(3): 588-599. Summer 2014.
Lex, Lupe, Professor, pseudonym
November 2021-date.
Taylor, Ordner W., III
in: Corstorphine, Kevin and Kremmel, Laura R., eds. The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 423-432.
Whealing, Anna
Hélice: Reflexiones crÃticas sobre ficción especulativa 3(8): 36-42. julio 2017.
Bokos, Borbala
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 13(2): 147-160. December 2021. DOI: 10.2478/ausp-2021-0018.
Lariguet, Guillermo
Principia Iuris 15(28): 116-134. 2017.
Warso, Sarah
Master's Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2021. 59 p. (MAI 83(8).)
Doherty, Nathan
Law and Literature 28(2): 233-254. 2016.
Hengstebeck, Eric
Ph. D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 2020. 208 p. (DAI-A 82(6)(E).)
Fitzgerald, Vincent B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1997. 287pp. (DAI-A 58(5).)
Bonner, Pat
Studies in the Fantastic Number 7: 64-75. Summer/Fall 2019.
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