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in: James, Edward and Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. The Parliament of Dreams: Conferring on Babylon 5. Reading, UK: Science Fiction Foundation, 1998. pp. 100-109.
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in: Barmeyer, Eike, ed. Science fiction: theorie und geschichte. Munchen: Fink, 1972. p. 318-339.
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in: Irwin, Walter and Love, G. B., eds. The Best of Trek No. 16. New York: Roc, 1991. pp.75-86.
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in: Raja, Masood A., Ellis, Jason W. and Nandi, Swaralipi, eds. The Postnational Fantasy: Postcolonialism, Cosmopolitics and Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 46-55.
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in: Freese, Peter and Harris, Charles B., eds. The Holodeck in the Garden: Science and Technology in Contemporary American Literature. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2004. p. 238-259.
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in: Dunn, Thomas P., ed. The Mechanical God. Westport: Greenwood, 1982. pp. 85-98.
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in: Freese, Peter and Harris, Charles B., eds. The Holodeck in the Garden: Science and Technology in Contemporary American Literature. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2004. p. 334-356.
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in: Wells, Sarah, ed. The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference: 50 Years of The Lord of the Rings. Coventry, UK: Tolkien Society, 2008. Volume 2, p. 314-324.
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in: Geraghty, Lincoln, ed. Channeling the Future: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy Television. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2009. p. 41-58.
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in: Erlich, Richard D., ed. Clockwork Worlds. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1983. pp. 97-103.
Lerer, Seth
American Literary History 15(3): 471-503. Fall 2003.
Freese, Peter; Harris, Charles B.
Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2004. 383 p. (Also published as: Science, Technology and the Humanities in Recent American Fiction. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 2004.)
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Utopian Studies 13(2): 53-66. 2002.
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in: Dunn, T. P., ed. The Mechanical God. Westport: Greenwood, 1982. pp. 153-165.
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in: Sarwal, Geetha B. and Sarwal, Amit, eds. Exploring Science Fiction: Text and Pedagogy. New Delhi: SSS Publications, 2011. p. 1-15.
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in: Olander, Joseph D. and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Isaac Asimov. New York: Taplinger, 1977. pp. 120-134.
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in: Dunn, Thomas P., ed. The Mechanical God. Westport: Greenwood, 1982. pp. 193-202.
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in: Slusser, George, Westfahl, Gary, and Rabkin, Eric S., eds. Immortal Engines: Life Extension and Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996. pp.102-110.
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in: Saccaro Del Buffa, Giuseppa and Lewis, Arthur O., eds. Utopie per gli Anni Ottana. Rome: Gangemi Editore, 1986. pp.89-98.
in: Dunn, Thomas P., ed. The Mechanical God. Westport: Greenwood, 1982. pp. 129-152.
Fisher, Kevin
Science Fiction Film and Television 3(1): 19-35. Spring 2010.
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