Suvin, Darko
Foundation No. 109: 7-17. Summer 2010. Also In: Suvin, Darko. Disputing the Deluge: Collected 21st-Century Writings on Utopia, Narration, and Survival, ed. by Hugh C. O’Connell. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. p. 217-223.
Hall, Joshua
Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 6: 1-20. 2023.
Smith, Curtis C.
in: McCarthy, Patrick A., ed. The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1989. pp.87-98.
Steinmuller, Karlheinz
in: Mamczak, Sascha, Pirling, Sebastian, and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2011. Munchen: Heyne, 2011. p. 78-106.
Gillespie, Bruce
Steam Engine Time No. 1: 13-19. April 2000.
Gillespie, Bruce R.
EI 3(5): [39-52.]. October 2004. (Online at:
Silverberg, Robert
In: Silverberg, Robert. Living in the Future: Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction. Framingham MA: NESFA Press, 2023. p. 438-443. Reprinted from Asimov's Science Fiction, March 2009.
Howell, Ted
In: Hegglund, Jon and McIntyre, John, eds. Modernism and the Anthropocene: Material Ecologies of Twentieth-Century Literature. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021. p. 115-131.
Diehl, Laura A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers, 2008. 313 p. (DAI 70(3), September 2009.)
Goodwin, Jonathan
Extrapolation 54(3): 257-263. 2013.
Jenks, Darrell A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Salve Regina University, 2000. 239pp. (DAI A 61/02: 604. Aug. 2000)
Anderson, Susan A.
Process Studies 5(2): 123-128. Summer 1975.
Crossley, Robert
Georgia Review 36(3): 619-635. Fall 1982.
Pak, Chris
Foundation No. 111: 14-31. Spring 2011.
Shelton, Robert F.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1982. 268 p. (DAI-A 44(1): 178, July 1983)
Larsen, Kristine
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 53: 26-30. Spring 2012.
Martin Rodriguez, Mariano
Foundation No. 118: 45-58. Autunm 2014.
Tremaine, Louis
Science-Fiction Studies 11(2): 130-138. July 1984.
Extrapolation 26(1): 66-73. Spring 1985.
Clement, Jennifer
Journal of Animal Ethics 5(2): 181-187. Fall 2015.
Aldiss, Brian W.
in: Aldiss, Brian W. The Pale Shadow of Science. Seattle: Serconia, 1985. pp. 51-60.
Steinmuller, Angela; Steinmuller, Karlheinz
In: Steinmuller, Karlheinz and Steinmuller, Angela. Streifzüge: Essays zu zweihundert Jahren Science Fiction. Berlin: Memoranda Verlag, 2021. p. 191-226. Reprinted from Das Science Fiction Jahr 2011.
in: Stapledon, Olaf. To The End of Time. Boston: Gregg, 1975. pp. v-xi.
Boyarkina, Iren
Foundation 50 (1): 5-13. 2021. (No. 138.)
Smith, Tara
Literature and Aesthetics: The Journal of the Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics 28(1): 1-12. 2018.
Found 181 items on 8 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.