Morris, Sam
Lion and the Unicorn 44(4) 262-280. September 2020.
Drar, Stephanie
in: Whited, Lana A., ed. Critical Insights: The Hunger Games Trilogy. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. p. 175-195.
Aldrete, Gregory S..
Film & History 51(2): 4-20. Winter 2021.
Catana, Adela L.
In: Boyarkina, Iren, ed. Passages through Enclosures and the Spacetime Continuum in English and American Science Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. p. 81-98.
In: Boyarkina, Iren, ed. Passages through Enclosures and the Spacetime Continuum in English and American Science Fiction. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. p. 81-98.
Halsall, Alison J.
in: Santos, Myrna, ed. Handmaids, Tributes, and Carers: Dystopian Females' Roles and Goals. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. p. 52-71.
Arosteguy, Katie
in: Garriott, Deidre A. E., Jones, Whitney E., and Tyler, Julie E., eds. Space and Place in the Hunger Games: New Readings of the Novels. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 146-159.
Connors, Sean P.
in: Thomas, Paul L., ed. Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction: Challenging Genres. Boston: Sense Publishers, 2013. p. 145-164.
Green-Barteet, Miranda A.
in: Day, Sara K., Green-Barteet, Miranda A. and Montz, Amy L. eds. Female Rebellion in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction. Farnham: UK: Ashgate, 2014. p. 33-50.
Fricke, Stefanie
in: Sedlmayr, Gerold and Waller, Nicole, eds. Politics in Fantasy Media: Essays on Ideology and Gender in Fiction, Film, Television, and Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 17-30.
Army, Abigail G.
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2022. 58 p. (MAI 83(11)(E).)
Limpar, Ildiko
In: Limpar, Ildiko. The Truths of Monsters: Coming of Age with Fantastic Media. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 181-196.
Jones, Cassandra L.
in: Olson, Debbie C., ed. The Child in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015. p. 207-220.
Connors, Sean P.; Dingler, Matt
ALAN Review 48(2): 108-120. Winter 2021.
Broad, Katherine R.
in: Basu, Balaka, Broad, Katherine R., and Hintz, Carrie. Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers. New York: Routledge, 2013. p. 117-130.
Miller, Laura
Salon Magazine [3 p.]. September 5, 2010. (Online magazine:
O'Hehir, Andrew
Salon Magazine. March 20, 2012. [3 p.] Online resource:
Jaques, Zoe
in: Campbell, Lori M., ed. A Quest of Her Own: Essays on the Female Hero in Modern Fantasy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 150-171.
Emery, Jennifer K.; Evans, Jocelyn
in: Allen, Michael A. and Vaughn, Justin S., eds. Poli Sci Fi: an Introduction to Political Science Through Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2016. p. 156-167.
Bennett-Zendzian, Amy
in: Whited, Lana A., ed. Critical Insights: The Hunger Games Trilogy. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. p. 161-174.
Hardy, Elizabeth B.
in: Whited, Lana A., ed. Critical Insights: The Hunger Games Trilogy. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. p. 139-160.
Parker, Benjamin C.
in: Santos, Myrna, ed. Handmaids, Tributes, and Carers: Dystopian Females' Roles and Goals. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. p. 214-231.
Bray, Danielle B.
in: Whited, Lana A., ed. Critical Insights: The Hunger Games Trilogy. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2016. p. 105-121.
Soncini, Sara
Altre Modernit� No. 13: 100-120. 2015.
Kurtz, Malisa
Extrapolation 58(2-3): 255-272. July 2017.
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