Guirola, Celeste Christine
Master's Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2023. 889 p. (MAI 84(10)(E).)
Siikilä-Laitila, Minna
FAFNIR: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 9 (1): 48-68 (2022).
Londres, Alexandria
Master's Thesis, Rutgers University, 2021. 129 p. (MAI 83(1)(E).)
Beattie, Melissa
Palabra Clave 20(3): 722-762. September 2017.
Lothian, Alexis
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
Soderstrom, Mark
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
Coker, Cait; Viars, Karen
Mythlore 33(2): 35-48 Spring/Summer 2015. 35-48. (No. 126)
Coker, Catherine
The Journal of Fandom Studies. 3 (2): 195-210. June 2015.
Reid, Robin A.
in: Bould, Mark et al. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009. p. 204-213.
Larsen, Katherine; Zubernis, Lynn
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. 249 p.
Bertetti, Paolo
Palabra Clave 20(4): 1142-1160. December 2017.
Booth, Paul
In: Larsen, Katherine and Zubernis, Lynn Fan Culture: Theory/Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. p. 174-187.
Booth, Paul J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2009. x, 457 p. (DAI-A 70(12)(E).)
Gray, Jonathan; Harrington, C. Lee; Sandvoss, Cornel
New York: New York University Press, 2007. 406 p.
Larsen, Katherine; Zubernis, Lynn S.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2013. 266 p.
Heffner, Kathryn
Foundation 51 (1; [141]): 19-33. 2022.
Hill, Matt
Palabra Clave 20(4): December 2017. 856-883.
Click, Melissa A.; Grey, Jonathan; Mitten, Jason; Scott, Suzanne
in: Click, Melissa A. and Scott, Suzanne, eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom. New York: Routledge, 2018. p. 437-450
Harrington, C. Lee
in: Gray, Jonathan, Sandvoss, Cornel, and Harrington, C. Lee, eds. Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World. New York: New York University Press, 2007. p. 179-197.
Reagin, Nancy; Rubenstein, Anne
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
Geraghty, Lincoln
In: Larsen, Katherine and Zubernis, Lynn Fan Culture: Theory/Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. p. 162-173.
Rawle, Steven
Journal of Fandom Studies 11(2-3): 99-116. June 2023.
Scott, Suzanne
Palabra Clave 20(4): December 2017. 1042-1072.
Mueller, Hannah
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. 223 p.
Transformative Works and Cultures Volume 6, 2011. ( (Accessed 23.May.2011)
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