Cranfield, J. L.
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 56(1): 3-32. 2013.
Thompson, Terry W.
Explicator 75(1): 62-64 2017.
Shapiro, Barbara L.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1973. 342 p. (DAI-A 35(8), p. 5363, February 1975.)
Behrend, Arno
in: Alien Contact: Jahrbuch für Science Fiction und Fantasy, 2002. Berlin: Shayol Verlag, 2003. p. 106-111.
Smolnikov, Andrei
New Horizons in English Studies, Vol 5: 157-171. 2020.
Lyons, Emily
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 27(3): 472-490. Summer 2020.
Woods, Derek
Diacritics 47(3): 6-29. 2019.
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 34(3): 237-244. 2021.
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 31(4): 248-252. 2018.
Feder, Helena
Twentieth Century Literature 65(3): 261-288. September 2019.
Prince, John S.
Science Fiction Studies 27(3): 543-546. November 2000.
Carver, Ben
In: Godfrey, Emelyne, ed. Utopias and Dystopias in the Fiction of H. G. Wells and William Morris. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 75-87.
McLean, Steven
In: McLean, Steven. The Early Fiction of H.G. Wells: Fantasies of Science. New York: Palgrave, 2009. p. 41-61.
Berg, Siv Froydis
Wellsian No. 40: 6-24. 2017.
Literature Compass 8(7): 476-486, 489. July 2011.
Tyrrell, Brenda
Wellsian No. 42: 51-68. 2019.
Shadurski, Maxim
In: Godfrey, Emelyne, ed. Utopias and Dystopias in the Fiction of H. G. Wells and William Morris. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 223-239.
Redford, Catherine
In: Godfrey, Emelyne, ed. Utopias and Dystopias in the Fiction of H. G. Wells and William Morris. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 123-138.
Ketabgian, Tamara
Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens No. 87, printemps 2018. Accessed 5.February.2021.
In: McLean, Steven. The Early Fiction of H.G. Wells: Fantasies of Science. New York: Palgrave, 2009. p. 117-150.
Sheldon, Leslie
Irish Gothic Journal No. 4: 67-84. June 8, 2008.
Sherborne, Michael
Wellsian No. 40: 42-52. 2017.
Knepper, Bill G.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1967. 276 p. (DAI-A 28(2), p. 681, August 1967)
Levitas, Ruth
Sociological Review 58(4): 530-547. November 2010.
Victorian Studies 62(2): 295-305. Winter 2020.
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