Suvin, Darko
Comparative Literature Studies 10(1): 334-351. March 1973.
Philmus, Robert M.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 5. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 2287-2292.
Haynes, Roslynn
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1299-1301.
Lashua, Brett D.
Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal 40(1/2): 85-94. 2018.
Hennelly, M. M., Jr.
Extrapolation 20(2):154-167. Summer 1979.
Bergonzi, Bernard
Critical Quarterly 2: 293-305. 1960.
Grignard, Eline,; Rebecchi, Marie; Somaini, Antonio
Milano, Italy: Skira, 2020. 328 p.
PMLA 84(3):530-535. May 1969.
Boerst, William J.
Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds, 2000. 112pp.
Wells, H. G.
in: Wells, H. G. The Definitive Time Machine, ed. by Harry M. Geduld. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. pp.184-188.
Mackenzie, Jeanne; Norman
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973. 487 p. Reprinted: H. G. Wells: A Biography. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973.
Barnaby, Paul; Parrinder, Patrick
in: Parrinder, Patrick/Partington, John S., eds. Xxiii-xl. The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe. New York: Continuum, 2005. p. i-ix.
Frank, Cathrine
in: Hintz, Carrie and Ostry, Elaine, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults. New York: Routledge, 2003. p. 72-88.
Baxter, Stephen
Matrix No. 185: 8-9. 2007.
Wagar, W. Warren
Technology Review. 96(3): 50-59. April 1993.
Parrinder, Patrick
in: Huntington, John, ed. Critical Essays on H. G. Wells. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991. pp.36-52.
Allett, John
The Wellsian No. 10: 2-10. Summer 1987.
No authors listed.
Christian Science Monitor Sec. 2, p. 20. November 1, 1938.
Lindemann, Uwe
Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 5(1): 47–64. October 2020.
Willis, Lynn W.
Master's Thesis, San Francisco State College, 1973. 149pp.
Futurist 27(4): 24-31. August 1983.
Spicer, Arwen
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, 2005. 272 p. (DAI-A 66(7): 2588. January 2006.)
Scheick, William J.
Science-Fiction Studies 8(1): 19-25. March 1981.
McQuiston, Erin S.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2014. 238 p. (DAI-A 76(11)(E). 2014.)
Tyrrell, Brenda
Wellsian No. 39: 48-64. 2016. ADDENDUM: Brenda Tyrrell: ‘Wells’s Scientific (Not) Romance: An Addendum to ‘Tracing Wells’s New Woman’’, Wellsion No. 40: 57-59. 2017.
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