Philmus, Robert M.
Science-Fiction Studies 1(4):237-248. Fall 1974.
Smith, David C.
Wellsian: The Journal of the H. G. Wells Society No. 15: 3-15. 1992.
Farrell, Kirby
in: Slusser, George/Parrinder, Patrick/Chatelain, Daniele, eds. H. G. Wells's Perennial Time Machine. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2001. p. 65-75.
Vogeler, Martha S.
in: Parrinder, Patrick and Rolfe, Christopher, eds. H. G. Wells Under Revision. London: Associated University Presses, 1990. pp.181-191.
Huntington, John
Wellsian: The Journal of the H. G. Wells Society No. 11: 25-32. 1988.
Parrinder, Patrick
Caliban 22:19-27. fevrier 1985.
Draper, Michael
Wellsian: The Journal of the H. G. Wells Society No. 16: 24-29. 1993.
Hammond, John R.
in: McLean, Steven, ed. H. G. Wells: Interdisciplinary Essays. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. p. 86-98.
James, Edward
Futures 28(9): 885-886. November 1996.
Aldiss, Brian W.
in: Parrinder, Patrick and Rolfe, Christopher, eds. H. G. Wells Under Revision. London: Associated University Presses, 1990. pp.27-39. Also in: Aldiss, Brian W. The Detached Retina. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995. pp.116-127.
The Wellsian No. 9: 6-11. Summer 1986.
in: Parrinder, Patrick and Rolfe, Christopher, eds. H. G. Wells Under Revision. London: Associated University Presses, 1990. pp.66-81.
Chatelain, Daniele; Slusser, George E.
in: Slusser, George/Parrinder, Patrick/Chatelain, Daniele, eds. H. G. Wells's Perennial Time Machine. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2001. p. 160-175.
in: Hammond, J. R. H. G. Wells and the Short Story. New York: St. Martin's, 1992. pp.3-18.
Kumar, Krishan
in: Parrinder, Patrick and Rolfe, Christopher, eds. H. G. Wells Under Revision. London: Associated University Presses, 1990. pp.192-217.
Stearn, R. T.
The Wellsian No. 6: 1-15. Summer 1983.
Meador, Ray
Biblio 3(7): 60-61. July 1998.
Hammerton, Max
Foundation 45:23-37. Spring 1989.
Suvin, Darko
Minnesota Review 4:106-115. Spring 1975. Also in: Huntington, John, ed. Critical Essays on H. G. Wells. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991. pp.23-33.
McFadden, Frederic
Dallas Morning News Sect. 2, p. 2. May 10, 1936.
Europe 681/682:59-65. Janvier/Fevrier 1986.
Bozzetto, Roger
Europe No. 681/682: 37-43. Janvier/Fevrier 1986. (Reprinted: Online Resource: [11 p.] 1981.
Europe No. 681/682: 3-11. Janvier/Fevrier 1986. (Reprinted as: Wells et Rosny aux racines de la Science-Fiction moderne, Online Resource: [10 p.] 1981.
Dutton, Kenneth R.
The Wellsian No. 25: 38-47. 2002.
Locke, George
Science-Fiction Studies 3(3):282-286. November 1976.
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