Bloomfield, Emma F.
In: Picariello, Damien K. ed. The Politics of Horror. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. p. 187-198.
Spicer, Silvan E.
Master's Thesis, University of Kansas, 2020. 45 p. (MAI 82(2).)
Hart, Heidi
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 100 p.
DiPasquale, Willow W.
D. Litt. Dissertation, Drew University, 2018. 208 p. (DAI-A 79(90(E).)
Dickerson, Matthew
Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2009. 304 p.
Riddle, Amy
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2020. 134 p. (DAI-A 82(3).)
Perrin, Claire
In: Dodeman, Andre; Pedri, Nancy, eds. Negotiating Waters: Seas, Oceans, and Passageways in the Colonial and Postcolonial Anglophone World. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press; 2021. p. 165-180.
Evans, Rebecca
In: Canavan, Gerry and Link, Eric C. eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. p. 434-446.
Hunter, Ross
in: Hunt, Leon, Lockyer, Sharon and Williamson, Milly, eds. Screening the Undead: Vampires and Zombies in Film and Television. London: I. B. Tauris, 2014. p. 112-130.
Hunt, Kevin J
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies: November 2023. 555-570.
Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna
in: Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna and Oziewicz, Marek, eds. Towards or Back to Human Values? Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of Contemporary Fantasy. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. p. 161-172.
Greene, Amelia Z.
in: Tidwell, Christy and Barclay, Bridgitte, eds. Gender and Environment in Science Fiction. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. p. 45-63.
Ostry, Elaine
in: Basu, Balaka, Broad, Katherine R., and Hintz, Carrie. Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers. New York: Routledge, 2013. p. 101-114.
Mengozzi, Chiara; Wacquez, Julien
Science Fiction Studies 50(2): 145-174. July 2023.
Olsen, Ida M.
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 63(2): 193-210. 2020.
Benson, Eric
in: Blichert, Frederick, ed. Joss Whedon's Big Damn Movie : Essays on Serenity. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 93-105.
Lindemann, Rolf
in: Nugel, Bernfried, Uwe Rasch and Gerhard Wagner, eds. Aldous Huxley, Man of Letters: Thinker, Critic and Artist. Muenster: LIT, 2007. p. 113-122.
Orthia, Lindy A.
Colloquy: text theory critique No. 21: . November 2011.
Hardy, Sarah; Kukla, Rebecca
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57(2): 177-191. Spring 1999.
Vowles, Christopher
Use of English 72(1): 46-60. Autumn 2020.
Herbrechter, Stefan
CounterText 2(1): 15-30. April 2017.
Hyttenrauch, David
in: Easton, Lee/Schroeder, Randy The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change. Jefferson, NC: McFarland , 2008. p. 32-43.
Watkinson, Maia Gunn
In: Cooke, Stuart and Denney, Peter, eds. Transcultural Ecocriticism Global, Romantic and Decolonial Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. p. 238-261.
Rooke, Tetz
In: Allen, Roger, Fernandez Parrilla, Gonzalo, and Rodriguez Sierra, Francisco M., eds. New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature. Madrid: UAM Ediciones, 2018. p. 99-114.
Byberg, Kjersti Lauvvik
Master’s Thesis, University of Stavanger, 2023. 91 p. (620.4 Kb)
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