Layh, Susanna
In: Gallardo Torrano, Pere and Russell, Elizabeth, eds. Yesterday's Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. p. 345-356.
Palmer, Jonathan Andrew Byron
Master's Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2017. 77 p. (MAI 56(4)(E).)
McSweeney, Terence
Journal of Film and Video 65(4): 42-58. Winter 2013.
Venditto, David
Ph. D. Dissertation, St. John's University (New York), 2018. (DAI-A 80(3)(E).)
Magro, Giulia
Ph. D. Dissertation, Sapienza University of Rome and University of Silesia in Katowice, AY 2023-2024. [1], 252 p.
Tavella, Elizabeth
In: Stephan, Matthias and Borkfelt, Sune, eds. Interrogating Boundries of the Nonhuman: Literature, Climate Change, and Environmental Crises. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 239-255.
Bennett, Brooke
in: Erwin, Elizabeth and Keetley, Dawn, eds. The Politics of Race, Gender and Sexuality in The Walking Dead: Essays on the Television Series and Comics. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 43-53.
Moskal, Christopher Ryan
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2021. 71 p. (MAI 83(2)(E).)
Brookfield, Tarah
in: Olson, Debbie C., ed. The Child in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015. p. 129-152.
Touzos, Amina A.
Bielefeld: Transcript: Verlag für Kommunikation, Kultur und soziale Praxis, 2024. p. 311-334.
Stark, Hannah
Critical Survey 25(2): 71-84. 2013.
Brown, Sarah A.
Foundation 48(3): 68-79. 2019. (Whole No. 134)
Jobb, Cory
in: Schober, Adrian and Olson, Debbie, eds. Children in the Films of Steven Spielberg. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016. p. 117-134.
Isomaa, Saija
FAFNIR: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 9 (1): 13-28 (2022).
Person, Thaisa
Master’s Thesis: Universidade Estadual Paulista/Sao Paulo State University (Brazil), 2017. 89 p.
Fouts, Jordan N.
Master's Thesis, McGill University, 2007. 99 p.
Berger, James A.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1999. 278 p. (Based on the author's Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1994. 304pp.)
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1994. 304 p. (DAI-A 55(10).)
Burns, Jeremy J.
Master's Thesis, University of Arkansas, 2009. 69 p. (MAI 48(1), February 2010)
Yeates, Robert
London: University College London Press, 2021. 201 p.
Boz, Mikail; Takimci, Dilek
Akdeniz Iletisim Issue 31: 377-403. June 2019.
Christian, Tiffany Anne
Ph. D. Dissertation, Washington State University, 2017. 282 p. (DAI-A 78(12)(E).)
Brodman, Barbara
In: Brodman, Barbara and Doan, James E., eds. Apocalyptic Chic: Visions of the Apocalypse and Post-apocalypse in Literature and Visual Arts. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017. p. 251-262.
Redding, Arthur
in: Crow, Charles L., ed. A Companion to American Gothic. Hoboken: John Wiley 2014. p. 447-460.
Wieckowska, Katarzyna
Text Matters, 12: 345-359. 2022.
Lebreton, Rosane
In: Deschênes-Pradet, Maude and Duret, Christophe, eds. Habiter les espaces autres de la fiction contemporaine: Utopies, dystopies, hétérotopies. Sherbrooke: Les Éditions de l’Inframince, 2022. p. 147-176.
Jones, Anne H.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65(1): 124-132. Winter 2022.
Bellamy, Brent R.
in: Bellamy, Brent Ryan. Remainders of the American Century: Post-Apocalyptic Novels in the Age of US Decline. Middletown, CT ; Wesleyan University Press, 2021. p. 172-200.
Levan, Kristine
Popular Culture Studies Journal 6(2/3): 51-71. 2018.
Ibragimova, Iuliia
SFRA Review 51(3): 210-217. Summer 2021.
Becker, Sandra
In: de Bruin-Mole, Megen, Polak, Sara, and Becker, Sandra, eds. Embodying contagion: The viropolitics of horror and desire in contemporary discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 131-158.
Mohler, Justin
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 2022. 201 p. (DAI-A 84(1)(E).)
Parrish, Jaclyn S.; Parrish, Jaclyn Young
in: Boone, Mark J. and Neece, Kevin C., eds. Science Fiction and the Abolition of Man: Finding C.S. Lewis in Sci-Fi Film and Television. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. p. 162-177.
Dudley, Jack
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 54(1): 104-119. May 2021.
Softing, Inger-Anne
English Studies 94(6): 704-713. 2013.
Kagle, Steven E.
in: Magistrale, Tony, ed. A Casebook on The Stand. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1992. pp.189-209.
Williams, Paul
Science Fiction Studies 32(2): 301-315. July 2005.
Skult, Petter
Master's Thesis, Abo Akademi University, 2011. 114 p.
de Bruyn, Ben
English Studies 91 (7): 776-789. 2010.
Ratto, Casey
In: Brodman, Barbara and Doan, James E., eds. Apocalyptic Chic: Visions of the Apocalypse and Post-apocalypse in Literature and Visual Arts. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017. p. 77-88.
Bartunkova, Barbora
In: Brasiskis, Lukas; Shpolberg, Masha, eds. Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe: From Communism to Capitalism. New York, NY: Berghahn Books; 2023. p. 87-106.
Wiinikka-Lydon, Joseph
in: Olson, Debbie C., ed. The Child in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015. p. 61-76.
O'Donnell, Marcus
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 27(1): 16-30. Spring 2015.
Pudney, Eric
English Studies. 96(3): 293-309. May 2015.
Patra, Indrajit
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18(4), 700-729. 2021.
Olsen, Ida M.
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment; 14(2): 6-19. 2023.
In: Rabitsch, Stefan, Fuchs, Michael, Brandt, Stefan L, eds. Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 118-134.
Farnell, Ian
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Warwick (UK), 2021. x, 228 p. (DAI-C 84(10).) (2 Mb)
Blin-Rolland, Armelle
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 14(2) 52-69. 2023.
Watkins, Susan
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 220 p.
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