Malcher, Johanna; Staab, Katharina
in: Kurwinkle, Tobias, Schmerheim, Philipp, and Kurwinkel, Annika, eds. Harry Potter Intermedial. Untersuchungen zu den (Film-)Welten von Joanne K. Rowling. Wurzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014. p. 225-240.
Crim, Brian E.
Film & History 39(2): 17-25. Fall 2009.
McWilliams, Ora C.; Richardson, Joshua
In: Brode, Douglas, ed. Analyzing the Marvel Universe: Critical Essays on the Comics and Film Adaptations. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 168-178.
Ponce de Leon, Jennifer S.
American Quarterly 73(4): 743-766. December 2021.
Augello, Chuck
In: Augello, Chuck, ed. Talking Vonnegut: Centennial Interviews and Essays. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 105-107.
Johnson, David K.
In: Johnson, D. K., ed. Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, The. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 703-750.
King, Neal
in: South, James B., ed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Chicago: Open Court, 2003. p. 197-211.
Lecrone, Robert Scott
M.F.A. Thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, 2020. 235 p. (MAI 83(1).) (Restricted)
Warrick, Patricia S.
Science Fiction Studies 7(2): 174-190. July 1980. Also in: Greenberg, Martin H., ed. Philip K. Dick. New York: Taplinger, 1982. pp. 27-52.
Santesso, Aaron
Science Fiction Studies 41(1): 136-162. March 2014.
Solon, Ben
Niekas No. 18: 7-9, 66. Spring 1967.
Bisenieke, D.; Johnson, Laurie
In: Rovan, Marcie P. and Wehler, Melissa, ed. Lessons from Hogwarts: Essays on the Pedagogy of Harry Potter. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 121-138.
Fritzsche, Sonja R.
Science Fiction Film & Television 15(1): 21-39. Spring 2022.
Lawrence, John S.
in: Kapell, Matthew, and Doty, William G., eds. Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation. New York: Continuum, 2004 p. 80-96.
Forchtner, Bernhard; Kolvraa, Christoffer
New York: Routledge; 2024. 205 p.
Schwarz, Guid
Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2003. 193 p.
Strzelczyk, Florentine
Modernism/Modernity 15(1): 87-99. January 2008.
Firchow, Peter E.
Midwest Quarterly 50(1): 15-31. Autumn 2008.
Milner, A.
In: León Casero, J., Urabayen, J. (eds) Rethinking Democracy for Post-Utopian Worlds: Alternative Political Projects After the Sovereign State. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 147–159.
Bowden, Jonathan
San Francisco, CA: Counter-Currents, 2013. 193 p.
Brinkhof, Tim
Film & History 51(2): 21-29. Winter 2021.
Plank, Robert
in: Lobdell, Jared. ed. A Tolkien Compass. New York: Ballantine/Del Rey, 1980. pp. 116-125.
Petley, Julian
Fear No. 23:28-33. November 1990.
Fear No. 24:25-28. December 1990.
Weldon, Glen November 16, 2016. [ p.] Online resource:
Found 29 items on 2 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.