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ABADDON: A Journal of the Imaginary No. 3: 28-33. Autumn 2001. Reprinted in: Broderick, Damien. Starlight Interviews: Conversations with a Science Fiction Writer. Vancleve, MS: Bramble House, 2018. p. 119-132.
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Locus 60(1): 8-9, 62-63. January 2008.
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Locus 74(6): 6-7, 66-67. June 2015.
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Locus 87(5): 10-11, 48-49. November 2021.
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Locus 78(3): 10-11, 64-65. March 2017.
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In: Barton-Fumo, Margaret, ed. Paul Verhoeven Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016. p. 186-193. (Reprinted from Volgens Verhoeven, 2012.)
McCaffery, Larry
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990. 267pp.
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Locus 81(2): 32-33, 63-64. August 2018.
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in: Ikin, Van and Broderick, Damien, eds. Other Spacetimes. s.l.: Wildside Press, 2015. p. 144-150. Reprinted from: Aurealis: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction, No.23 (1999), pp.93-99
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in: Early, Frances and Kennedy, Kathleen, eds. Athena's Daughters: Television's New Women Warriors. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2003. p. 78-91.
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Vector No. 295: . Spring 2022.
No authors listed.
Filmfax No. 13: 56-59. December 1988
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Filmfax No. 13: 54-56. December 1988.
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Filmfax No. 13: 52-53. December 1988.
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In: Elzembely, Hosam A. Ibrahim and Aysha, Emad El-Din, eds. Arab and Muslim Science Fiction: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 336-340.
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Locus 86(6): 10-11, 60. June 2021.
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in: Golla, Robert, ed. Conversations with Michael Crichton. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2011. p. 62-75. (Reprinted from Vanity Fair, January 1994.)
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Locus 73(5): 56-58. November 2014.
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Sword and Sorcery No. 2: 4-15. April 2005.
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In: Lavender, Isiah, lIl, ed. Conversations with Nalo Hopkinson. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2023. p. 151-156. (Reprinted from Canadian Science Fiction Review, 2011.)
Okoro, Dike
In: Okoro, Dike, ed. Futurism and the African Imagination: Literature and Other Arts. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 201-205.
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Vector No. 289: 74-81. Summer 2019.
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Locus 78(5): 46-48. May 2017.
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in: Sherman, Delia and Barzak, Christopher, eds. Interfictions 2: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing. Boston, MA: Interstitial Arts Foundation, 2009. p. 293-302.
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in: Sellars, Simon and O'Hara, Dan, eds. Extreme Metaphors: Interviews with J. G. Ballard, 1967-2008. London: Fourth Estate, 2012. p. 199-210. (Reprinted from The Literary Review, 1984.)
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Locus 90(3): 24-25, 57. March 2023.
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Locus 84(1): 10-11, 52-53. January 2020.
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in: Killjoy, Margaret, ed. Mythmakers and Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction. Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2009. p. 41-58.
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Locus 53(1): 74-76. July 2004.
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