Ball, Iain; Diggle, Andy
in: Smith, Patrick D., ed. Conversations with William Gibson. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. p. 96-107.
Morgan, Guy
Vector No. 278: 8-10. Winter 2014/2015.
Jelley, Gareth
Vector No. 296: 38-42. Autumn 2022.
Dourgarian, James
Science Fiction Film Classics 1(2): 13-16. Spring 1978.
Vale, V.
In: Vale, V, ed. J. G. Ballard: Conversations. San Francisco: RE:Search, 2005. p. 160-161
Priest, Christopher
Locus 56(6): 7, 77. June 2006.
Bergeron, Patrick
Les Cahiers Anne Hébert No. 17: 203-214. 2021
Augello, Chuck
In: Augello, Chuck, ed. Talking Vonnegut: Centennial Interviews and Essays. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 219-228.
Ambient, Mark
Vortex Science Fiction 1(4): 36-40. April 1977.
Stephenson, Neal
Locus 61(3): 6-7, 70. September 2008.
Kiausch, Usch
Berlin: Memoranda, 2024. 222 p.
Willems, S. F.
Pirate Writings 5(4): 11-13. 1998. (No. 16)
Norton, Andre
Locus 26(6): 4, 65. June 1991.
Fernandez-Vander Kaay, Kathleen; Vander Kaay, Chris
In: Fernandez-Vander Kaay, Kathleen and Vander Kaay, Chris, eds. Indie Science Fiction Cinema Today: Conversations with 21st Century Filmmakers. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 187-189.
Edwards, Graham
Cinefex No. 145: 78-84. February 2016.
Bensoua, Joseph
Fantastic Films 5(2; [#32]): 44-47, 74. February 1983.
No authors listed.
Locus 47(2): 6, 71-72. August 2001.
Houston, David
Starlog 32: 26-33, 63. March 1980.
Doubinsky, Sebastien; Kkona, Christina
In: Doubinsky, Sebastien and Kkona, Christina, eds. Women of Horror and Speculative Fiction in their Own Words: Conversations with Authors and Editors. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. p. 127-138.
In: Doubinsky, Sebastien and Kkona, Christina, eds. Women of Horror and Speculative Fiction in their Own Words: Conversations with Authors and Editors. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. p. 193-200.
Weaver, Tom
In: Weaver, Tom. I Talked with a Zombie: Interviews with 23 Veterans of Horror and Sci-Fi Films and Television. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 26-48. Reprinted from "Amy and Her Friends: The Ann Carter Interview," VideoWatchdog #137, March 2008
in: Weaver, Tom, ed. Attack of the Monster Movie Makers: Interviews with 20 Genre Giants. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994. pp.289-308.
In: Doubinsky, Sebastien and Kkona, Christina, eds. Women of Horror and Speculative Fiction in their Own Words: Conversations with Authors and Editors. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. p. 201-210.
Gamber, Jackie
in: Knost, Michael, ed. Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lexington, KY: Seventh Star press, 2013. p. 201-210.
McLemore, Anna-Marie; McLemore, Elliott
Locus 91(2): 26-27, 54-55. August 2023.
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