Moore, Fiona
Vector No. 297: 40-42. Spring 2023.
November, Sharyn
Locus 66(2): 80-82. February 2011.
Walton, Jo Lindsay
Vector No. 297: 113-116. Spring 2023.
Augello, Chuck
In: Augello, Chuck, ed. Talking Vonnegut: Centennial Interviews and Essays. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 186-193.
Lord, Karen
Locus 91(2): 10-11, 52-53. August 2023.
McLaughlin, John
Hélice 10(1 [No. 36]): 55-63. 2024.
Urie, Chris
Clarkesworld No. 145. October 2018. Accessed 22.March.2020.
Dewey, G. Gordon
Writer's Market and Methods. p. 6. March, 1947.
Gaiman, Neil
in: Costello, Brannon, ed. Conversations with Michel Chabon. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015. p. 51-63. (Reprinted from Ruminator Review, Spring 2003.)
Bertrand Borie
In: Barton-Fumo, Margaret, ed. Paul Verhoeven Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016. p. 35-42. (Reprinted from Fantastique, 1985.)
Stewart, Bhob
in: Underwood, Tim. Bare Bones: Conversations on Terror with Stephen King. Columbia, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1988. pp.145-158. (Reprinted from Heavy Metal, Jan.-Mar. 1982.)
Sorg, Arley
Clarkesworld Magazine No. 164. May 2020.
Powers, Tim
Locus 58(3): 6-7, 72-74. March 2007.
No authors listed.
Rolling Stone 246:40-49. August 25, 1977.
Ashby, Madeline
Locus 84(6): 10-11, 62-63. June 2020.
In: Augello, Chuck, ed. Talking Vonnegut: Centennial Interviews and Essays. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 176-180.
Diverse Universe No. 12: [7 p.] June 2002. (Online resource:
Moltz, Sandy
Voice of Youth Advocates 26(1): 15-18. April 2003
Vorda, Allan
Extrapolation 31(3): 197-215. Fall 1990.
Charlton, Blake
Locus 78(1): 24-25, 48. January 2017.
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Locus 85(6): 10-11, 70-71. December 2020.
Bourke, Liz
Strange Horizons January 26, 2015. Accessed 3.February.2015
Clarkesworld No. 154. July 2019. Accessed 22.March.2020.
Afifi, Nad9a
Locus 89(1): 27, 54-55. July 2022.
Doubinsky, Sebastien; Kkona, Christina
In: Doubinsky, Sebastien and Kkona, Christina, eds. Women of Horror and Speculative Fiction in their Own Words: Conversations with Authors and Editors. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. p. 21-26.
Found 3,963 items on 159 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.