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in: Potter, Tiffany/Marshall, C. W., eds. Cylons in America: Critical Studies in BattlestarGalactica. New York: Continuum, 2008. p. 156-168.
Rolufs, Heather
in: Steiff, Josef and Tamplin, Tristan D., eds. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? Chicago: Open Court, 2008. p. 349-358.
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in: Steiff, Josef/Tamplin, Tristan D., eds. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? Chicago: Open Court, 2008. p. 17-28.
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in: Telotte, J. P., ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2008. p. 159-176.
Barker, Bryan C.
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in: Hatch, Richard, ed. So Say We All: An Unauthorized Collection of Thoughts and Opinions on Battlestar Galactica. Dallas, TX: Benbella, 2006. p. 95-112.
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in: Gurr, Barbara, ed. Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Post-Apocalyptic TV and Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 45-58.
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in: Steiff, Josef and Tamplin, Tristan D., eds. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? Chicago: Open Court, 2008. p. 317-328.
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in: Hatch, Richard, ed. So Say We All: An Unauthorized Collection of Thoughts and Opinions on Battlestar Galactica. Dallas, TX: Benbella, 2006. p. 187-196.
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in: Eberl, Jason T., ed. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Knowledge Here Begins Out There. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. p. 169-180.
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in: Potter, Tiffany/Marshall, C. W., eds. Cylons in America: Critical Studies in BattlestarGalactica. New York: Continuum, 2008. p. 143-155.
Hanley, Richard
in: Steiff, Josef and Tamplin, Tristan D., eds. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? Chicago: Open Court, 2008. p. 103-113.
Eberl, Jason T.; Vines, Jennifer A.
in: Eberl, Jason T., ed. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Knowledge Here Begins Out There. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2008. p. 155-168.
Harwood-Smith, Jennifer
in: Steiff, Josef/Tamplin, Tristan D., eds. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? Chicago: Open Court, 2008. p. 77-86.
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