Delany, Samuel R.
in: Weedman, J. B., ed. Women Worldwalkers. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985. pp.95-124.
Ferreira, Maria A.
in: Smith, Warren/Higgins, Matthew/Parker, Martin/Lightfoot, Geoff, eds. Science Fiction and Organization. New York: Routledge, 2001. p. 73-89.
Zaki, Hoda M.
in: Kadi, Joanna, ed. Food for Our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and Arab-Canadian Feminists. S.l.: South End, 1994. p. 181–187.
Morrill, Cynthia A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 1997. vii, 267 p. (DAI-A 58: 1726.)
Barbour, Douglas
Ph. D. Dissertation, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada), 1976. (DAI-A 62(13). July 2002)
Seidel, K. L.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1678-1681.
Hartman, Patricia L.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio University, 1986. 221 p. (DAI-A 47(5): 1724, November 1986)
Fitting, Peter
in: Beauchamp, Gorman, ed. Utopian Studies I. Lanham, NY: University Press of America, 1988. pp.23-36. Reprinted in: Fitting, Peter. Utopian Effects, Dystopian Pleasures. NewYork: Peter Lang, 2021. p. 127-139.
Jones, Gwyneth
in: Jones, Gwyneth. Imagination/Space: Essays and Talks on Fiction, Feminism, Technology, and Politics. Seattle, WA: Acqueduct Press, 2009. p. 43-57.
Platt, Charles
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 7(3): 30-45. March 1983.
Espinosa, Adelina Sanchez; Repetto, Florencia Gutierrez
ReiDoCrea: Revista electronica de investigacion y docencia creativa 8: 282-291. 2019.
Bouwer, Amy
Foundation 52 (3): 19-33. 2023. (No. 146.)
Fawaz, Ramzi
New York: New York University Press, 2022. 435 p.
Prong, Alex
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 255-261.
Campbell, Peyton
In: Yaszek, Lisa, Fritzsche, Sonja, Omry, Keren, and Wendy G. Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 131-137.
Cooper, Rich
Ph. D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2011. 173 p.
Diemer Llewellyn, Jana
Master'sThesis, Villanova University, 2006.
Master's Thesis, Villanova University, 2006. 112 p. (Master's Abstracts, 44(4): 1600. August 2006.)
Gill, Candra K.
in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 186-188.
Cortiel, Jeanne
in: Gunn, James E., Marleen S. Barr and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 168-180.
No authors listed.
in: Bunch, Charlotte, ed. Building Feminist Theory. New York: Longmans, 1981. pp. 243-250.
Quest: A Feminist Quarterly 2(1): 40-49. Summer 1975.
Anderson, Poul
Vertex 2(2): 8, 99. June 1974.
Sheldon, Rebekah
Femspec 10(1): 19-34. 2009.
Spencer, Kathleen L.
Science Fiction Studies 17(2):167-187. July 1990.
Found 242 items on 10 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.