Crossen, Carys
in: Abbruscato, Joseph and Jones, Tanya, eds. The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature: Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 11-29.
Kustritz, Anne
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Berkin, Adam
Children's Literature In Education 21(4): 245-252. December 1990.
Hines, Sara Marie
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Rölleke, Heinz
in: Bottigheimer, Ruth B., ed. Fairy Tales and Society. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986. pp.287-300.
Chaudhri, Anna; Davidson, Hilda E.
Woodbridge, UK: Brewer, 2003. 294 p.
Wander, Misha G.
Marvels & Tales 35(1): 94-108. 2021.
Long, Bill; Wei, Min; Zhang, Juwen; Zhenshan, Tan
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Scherf, Walter
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Taves, Brian
Library of Congress Information Bulletin 53(1): 7-11. January 10, 1994.
Canaan, Howard
Mythlore 19(4): 41-45. Autumn 1993. (No. 74)
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in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 125-138.
Williams, Christy
Journal of the Fantastic of the Arts 29(1): 2018. 68-85.
Allen-Newberry, Judy Ann
Master's Thesis, East Texas State University (Texas A & M University, Commerce), 1986. lvii, 103p. (MAI 24(4).)
Hruschka, John
Mythlore 20(1): 45-47. Winter 1994. (Whole No. 75)
Rubeck, Mary Ann
Ph. D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1981. 260 p. (DAI-A 42(4).)
Burns, Marjorie J.
Mythlore 14(3):38-42. Spring 1988. (No. 53)
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Asheville NC: Chiron Publications, 2021. 478 p.
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Maio, Kathi
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. September/October 2012. p. 204-210.
Goldschen, Anna Lisa Ohm
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1986. 142 p. (DAI-A 47(9).)
Fimi, Dimitra
Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 2(1/2): 97-112. 2011.
Aras, Lerzan
International Journal of Art & Design Education 43(2): May 2024. 205-220.
Malinaric, Jovana
In: Bruno, Valerio Alfonso, Campati, Antonio, Carelli, Paolo, and Sfardini, Anna, eds. Dystopian Worlds Beyond Storytelling: Representations of Dehumanized Societies in Literature, Media, and Political Discourses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, Hannover, 2024. p. 269-280.
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna
In: Corstorphine, Kevin and Kremmel, Laura R., eds. Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature, The. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 91-100.
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