Hageman, Andrew
Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (Isle) 24(3): 575-587. Summer 2014.
Ambrogio, Anthony
in: Palumbo, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. pp.169-179.
Rupert, Pamela Rae
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Akron, 1979. viii, 283 p. (DAI-A 40(2): 664. August 1979.)
Novikov, Tatyana L.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 1996. 224 p. (DAI-A 56(8): 3152, February 1996.)
Winning, Robert B.
Pg. D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1987. 426 p. (DAI-A 48(8).)
Torry, Robert
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 23(4): 343-363. September 1994.
Marx, Joan Frances
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, 1985. 186 p. (DAI-A 47(1).)
Rambo, Shelly L.
Studies in the Literary Imagination, 41(2): 99-120. Fall 2008.
Bradney, Anthony
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 2(1): [22 p.] December 2003. (http://webjcli.ncl.ac.uk/2003/issue2/bradney2.html)
Pudney, Eric
English Studies. 96(3): 293-309. May 2015.
Alton, Anne H.
in: Alton, Anne H. and Spruiell, William C., eds. Discworld and the Disciplines: Critical Approaches to the Terry Pratchett Works. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 26-80.
Yamano, Rebecca A.
Master's Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 1999. [2], iii, 106 p.
Wharton, David M.
Strange Horizons [4 p.] January 6, 2003. (Cited from www.strangehorizons.com/)
Kisor, Yvette L.
Tolkien Studies 4: 212-222. 2007.
Carroll, Noel
In: Weinstock, Jeffrey A., ed. The Monster Theory Reader. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020. p. 136-147.
Carson, Jane Isabelle
Ph. D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1979. vi, 160 p. (DAI-A 40(9): 5072. March 1980.)
Supa, V.
in: Giesemann, Gerhard and Stepnowska, Tatiana, eds., Literaturwissenschaftliche und linguistische Forschungsaspekte der phantastischen Literatur. Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2002. p. 259-276.
Barton, Julie
The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 5(1): 53-67. March 2008
McInnis, John L.
Fantasy Commentator 7(1; [#41]): 41-48. Fall 1990.
Libran-Moreno, Miryam
Tolkien Studies 4: 73-97. 2007.
Þorkelsdóttir, Eva Dögg (Thorkelsdottir, Eva Dogg)
Bachelor's Thesis, University of Iceland, 2006. 45 p.
Duckwitz, Brian R.
Master's Thesis, Iowa State University, 2001. 53 p.
Mathews, Gary S.
Master's Thesis, Texas Technological University, 1969. 111pp.
Duncan, Randy
in: Smith, Matthew J. and Duncan, Randy, eds. Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods. New York: Routledge, 2012. p. 43-54.
Rosa, Jorge Manuel Martins
Ph. D. Dissertation, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal), 2006. 622 p. (DAI-C 75(1).)
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