Howell, Cynthia M.
Master's Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 1975. ii, 78pp.
Myers, Doris T.
Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1994. 248pp.
Anderson, Katherine Ann Thomen
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Denver, 1981. 308 p. (DAI-A 42(11).)
McCormick, Judith Kay
Master's thesis, Texas Tech University, 1972. 71 p. (3.59 Mb)
Shumaker, Wayne
In: Schakel, Peter J., ed. Longing for a Form: Essays on the Fiction of C. S. Lewis. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1977. p. 51-63.
Davenport, Sarah Frances
Master's Thesis, University of Texas at Austin,1971. v, 31 p.
Oppermann, Eva
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literature und Asthetik; Geister: Einblicke in das Unsichtbare Internationale Symposium 1. bis 3. Mai 2015 in Leipzig, Band 33, 2015. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015. p. 167-178.
Knight, Bettie Jo
Ph. D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1983. 183pp. (DAI-A 44(10): 3058. April 1984.)
Sgro, Chiara
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 35(1; [#399]): 1-10, 12-15. January/February 2004.
Rossi, Lee D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 1972. vi, 258 p. (DAI-A 33(9), p. 5195. March 1973.)
Hannay, Margaret P.
In: Schakel, Peter J., ed. Longing for a Form: Essays on the Fiction of C. S. Lewis. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1977. p. 73-90.
Tanner, John S.
Renascence 52(2): 131-142. Winter 2000.
Carnell, Corbin S.
Studies in the Literary Imagination 14(2):67-72. Fall 1981.
Mythlore 8(2): 9-10. Summer 1981.
Phillips, Stephanie
Master's Thesis, Hardin Simmons University, 2006. 84 p .
Schmerl, Rudolf B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1960. iv, 199 p. (DAI 21(8); DAI-A 81(1)(E).)
Fayard, Nathan Earl Houston
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, 2019. 174 p. (DAI-A 81(5)(E).)
Diniz Gomes, Livia Fernanda; Sales Araujo, Naiara
Revista la Palabra No. 39: 71-84. October/December 2020. DOI: 10.19053/01218530.n39.2020.10910.
Araujo, Naiara Sales; Gomes. Livia Fernanda Diniz
La Palabra No. 39: 71-84. October/Decmeber 2020.
Rovang, Paul R.
Mythlore 33(1; [#125]): 37-52. Fall/Winter 2014.
Ness-Bergstein, Evrea
Journal of Inklings Studies 2(1): 49-80. April 2012.
Thompson, Hollis
Master's Thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2020. 128 p.
Ward, Michael
in: Wolfe, Judith and Wolfe, Brendan, eds. C. S. Lewis's Perelandra: Reshaping the Image of the Cosmos. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2013. p. 13-32.
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literature und Asthetik; "Dustere Aussichten" Margaret Atwoods imaginative Expeditionen in das Unwohnliche, Band 32, 2014, ed. by Dieter Petzold. Frankfurt: Lang, 2014. p. 203-216.
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