Demerjian, Louisa M.
in: Demerjian, Louisa M./ Stein, Karen F., eds. Future Humans in Fiction and Film. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. p. 16-31.
Sousa Oliveira, Manuel J.
In: Botelho, Teresa, Ramalthemes-Gomes, Miguel; Reis, Jose Eduardo, eds. Utopian Foodways: Critical Essays. Porto: University of Porto Press, 2019. p. 49-58.
Lance, Stephanie
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, 2019. 144 p. (DAI-A 81(6)(E).)
Germana, Monica
in: Germana, Monica and Mousoutzanis, Aristeidis eds. Apocalyptic Discourse in Contemporary Culture: Post-Millenial Perspectives of the End of the World. New York: Routledge, 2014. p. 206-219.
Strasen, Christian T.
Master's Thesis, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 2015. 155 P. (MAI 55/03M(E))
Hopker, Karin
In: Mayer, Sylvia and von Mossner, Alexa W., eds. The Anticipation of Catastrophe: Environmental Risk in North American Literature and Culture. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014. p. 161-180.
Simut, Andrei
Transylvanian Review 22: 179-189. 2013 Supplement 3.
Salter, J. Ashley
Masters Thesis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2006. 68 p. (MAI 45(1), Feb 2007)
Cavalcanti, Ildney; Fortunato, Pedro
Em tese 24(2): 42-59.. 2018.
dos Santos Lins, Gabriella Patricia
In: Cavalcanti, Ildney and Prado, Amanda, eds. Mundos Gendrados Alternativamente: Ficcao Cientifica, Utopia, Distopia. Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil: EdUFAL, 2011. p. 85-116
Hodge, Patricia M.
Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies Vol. 29 June 2021.
Dudley, Jack
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 54(1): 104-119. May 2021.
Adami, Valentina
Polemos 6(2):249-61. 2012.
Skult, Petter
Master's Thesis, Abo Akademi University, 2011. 114 p.
Evans, Benjamin Shane
Master's Thesis, Iowa State University, 2017. 77 p. (MAI 56(5)(E).)
Spiegel, Michael
Mosaic 43(3): 119-134. September 2010.
Hoffmann, Andrew
Ph. D. Dissertation, Marquette University, 2019. 211 p. (DAI-A 80(8)(E).)
Wright, Laura
in: Baumbach, Sibylee and Neumann, Birgit, eds. New Approaches to the Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Novel. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 99-116.
Marzec, Robert P.
in: Rudrum, David Askin, Ridvan, and Beckman, Frida, eds. New Directions in Philosophy and Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2019. p. 338-360.
Silva de Sá, Melissa Cristina
In: Prado, Amanda and Cavalcanti, Ildney, eds. Utopias sonhadas/distopias anunciadas: feminismo, gênero e cultura queer na literature. João Pessoa: Editora UFPB, 2019. p. 131-147.
MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 4(1): 60-74. 2020.
Akhter, Tawhida
Arab World English Journal Special Issue on Covid p. 235–243. Apr. 2021.
Kozioł, Sławomir
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 59( 4): 492-508. 2018.
Chang, Hui-chuan
Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Literary and Cultural Studies 41(2): 3-20. 2011.
DeFalco, Amelia
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2023. 203 p.
Despres, Elaine
in: Rospide, Maylis and Sorlin, Sandrine, eds. The Ethics and Poetics of Alterity: New Perspectives on Genre Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, England; Cambridge Scholars; 2015. p. 142-157.
Atwood, Margaret
In: Atwood, Margaret. In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination. London: Virago, 2011. p. 66-96.
Wagner-Lawlor, Jennifer A.
Arena Journal # 35/36: 173-195. 2011.
Mowdy, Haley
Master's Thesis, Texas Woman's University, 2017. 139 p. (MAI 56(5)(E).)
Martinez, Javier A.
Open Cultural Studies 3: 174–181. 2019.
Mohr, Dunja M.
in: Boller, Alessandra and Voigts, Eckart, eds. Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse: Classics - New Tendencies - Model Interpretations. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015. p. 283-301.
Dunlap, Allison
Journal of Ecocriticism 5(1): 1-15. 2013.
Haag, Ingemar
in: Paplow, Thorsten, Haag, Ingemar, Molander, Karen, Molander Danielsson, Karen, and Ohman, Marie, eds. Perspectives on Ecocriticism: Local Beginnings, Global Echoes. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. p. 251-264.
Berube, Michael
New York: Columbia University Press, 2024. 296 p.
Bouzó, Xiana Vázquez
Master's Thesis, University of Hull, 2018. 88 p.
Schmeink, Lars
Spaces of Utopia No. 6: 84-96. Autumn/Winter 2007.
Tomasula y Garcia, Alba
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2023. 163 p. (DAI-A 85(3)(E).)
Sheets, Kathryn
Master's Thesis, Clark University, 2021. 104 p. (MAI 82(11)(E).)
Evans, Taylor
Master's Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2012. vi, 187 p.
Xie, Chao
Kritika Kultura No. 33/34: 600-616. 2020.
Storey, Francoise; Storey, Jeff
Cycnos 22(2): [13 p.]. October, 2005. (La science-fiction dans l’histoire, l’histoire dans la science-fiction) URL :
Bergthaller, Hannes
English Studies 91(7): 728-743. November 2010.
Glover, Jayne A.
English Studies in Africa 52(2): 50-62. 2009.
Slaughter, Nicholas Allen
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, 2017. 262 p. (DAI-A 79(1)(E).)
Hall, Susan L.
Contemporary Women’s Writing 4(3): 179–196. November 2010.
O'Leary, Irene
Language and Literature 31(3): 325–344. August 2022.
Raschke, Debrah
Studies in Canadian Literature 39(2): 22-44. 2014.
McNew, Tyler
Master's Thesis, Tennessee Technological University, 2018. 100 p. (MAI 58(2)(E).)
Kabak, Murat
English Studies at NBU 7(1): 37–50. June 2021.
Muzaffar, Hanan
in: Braid, Barbara and Muzaffar, Hanan, eds. Bodies in Flux: Embodiments at the End of Anthropocentrism Leiden: Brill, 2019. p. 149-164.
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