Hunter, Melanie; McIntosh, Darby
in: Perrakis, Phyllis S. Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp.109-120.
Tiger, Virginia
Modern Fiction Studies 36(3):421-434. Autumn 1990.
Style 27(1): 63-80. Spring 1993.
Franco, Carol
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. The Dark Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Ninth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. pp.101-112.
Malekin, Peter
in: Morse, Donald E., ed. The Celebration of the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992. pp.73-80.
Glover, Jayne A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rhodes University (South Africa), 2008. 288 p.
Collins, Cornelius
Twentieth Century Literature 56(2): 221-244. Summer 2010.
de Montremy, Jean-Maurice
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.193-199.
Bertelsen, Eve
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.120-145.
Linfield, Susie.
Salmagundi No. 130/131: 59-74. Spring-Summer 2001.
in: Perrakis, Phyllis S. Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp.1-16.
Parker, Emma
Critical Quarterly 63(1): 110-120. April 2021.
Morgan, Ellen
Contemporary Literature 14(4):471-480. Autumn 1973.
Dooley, Gillian
English Studies 90(2): 157-166. April 2009.
Park, Sun Hwa
in: Wilson, Sharon R., ed. Women's Utopian and Dystopian FIction. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. p. 6-22.
Miller, Joann L.
Master's Thesis, Univeristy of North Dakota, 1998.
Bazin, Nancy T.
Frontiers 5(3): 10-15. Fall 1980.
Barzin, Nancy T.
in: Perrakis, Phyllis S. Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp.33-42.
Palmer, Christopher
Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2021. 352 p.
Dormeyer, Detlev
In: Hauser, Linus, ed. Weltuntergang, Weltubergang: Science-fiction zwischen Religion und Neomythos. Altenberge : Telos-Verlag, 1989. p. 116-1332.
Leigh, David J.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008. 256pp.
in: Kaplan, Carey, ed. Doris Lessing: The Alchemy of Survival. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1988. pp.184-187.
Carey, J. L.
Contemporary Literature 14(4):437-456. Autumn 1973.
Frick, Thomas
Paris Review 106:80-105. Spring 1988.
Cavalcanti, Ildney
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Strathclyde, 1999.
Maack, Annegret
in: Grimm, Gunter E,/Faulstich, Werner/Kuon, Peter, eds. Apokalypse: Weltuntergangsvisionen in der Literatur des20.Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt-am-Main: Suhrkamp, 1986. p. 168-186.
Bluhm, Lothar
In: Wolting, Monika, ed. Utopische und dystopische Weltenentwürfe. Göttingen: V & R Unipress, 2022. p. 171-194.
Stead, Henry
Critical Quarterly 63(1): 35-47. April 2021.
Critical Quarterly 63(1): 98-109. April 2021.
Williams, Nonia
Critical Quarterly 63(1): 67-81. April 2021.
Almaeen, Mona
Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 25(1): 64-75. 2021.
Green Letters 25(1): 64-75. (2021)
Brownmiller, Susan
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.218-221.
Svoboda, Randall A.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Iowa, 1995. 313pp. (DAI-A 56/06, p. 2253. December 1995.)
Cheng, Catherine Ju-yu
NTU Studies in Language and Literature 35: 35-62. June 2016.
Spiegel-Weitz, Rotraut
in: Herget, Winfried, ed. Theorie und Praxis in Erzahlen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1986. pp.195-204.
Jacobs, Naomi
Extrapolation 29(1):34-45. Spring 1988. Also in: Cummings, Michael S., ed. Utopian Studies II. Lanham, NY: University Press of America, 1989. pp.109-117.
Jacobs, Maureen Sheehan
Ph. D. Dissertation, American University (District of Columbia), 1980. 35 p. (DAI-A 41(2).)
Peel, Ellen S.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale, 1982. 284 p. (DAI 43(12): 3903A.)
Gray, Stephen
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.109-119.
Samuelson, David N.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 254-259.
Rose, E. C.
Mythlore 4(1):10-13. September 1976.
Kaplan, Carey
in: Kaplan, Carey, ed. Doris Lessing: The Alchemy of Survival. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1988. pp.149-158.
Raschke, Debrah
in: Perrakis, Phyllis S. Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp.43-54.
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.155-168.
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.221-223.
Waarvik, Mary L.
Master's Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1986. 117 p. (MAI 25(2): 157. Summer 1987.)
Khanna, Lee C.
Doris Lessing Newsletter 7(1): 9-10. Summer 1983.
Hendin, Josephine
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.41-56.
Peterson, Lorna M.
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. In Pursuit of Doris Lessing. New York: St. Martin's, 1990. pp.142-157.
in: Rohrlich, Ruby, ed. Women in Search of Utopia. New York: Schocken, 1984. pp.269-279.
Draine, Betsy
Studies in the Novel 11(1):51-62. Spring 1979.
Hayles, N. Katherine
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990. 309pp.
Schrey, Helmut
in: Kranz, Gisbert, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literature und Ästhetik. 6. Band. [Lüdenscheid, Germany: Stier], 1988. p. 123-128.
Taunton, Matthew
Modern Fiction Studies 67(2): 247-271. Summer 2021.
Knapp, Mona
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.27-30.
Singleton, Mary A.
Lewisberg: Bucknell University Press, 1977. 243pp.
Monteith, Moira
Metaphores No. 12/13: 150-166. March 1986. (Actes de Deuxieme Colloque International de Science-Fiction de Nice, April 1985.)
ELH 88(1): 251-280. Spring 2021.
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.153-167.
Rege, Josna E.
in: Perrakis, Phyllis S. Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp.121-134.
King, Holly B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1975. 217 p. (DAI-A 36(7): 4470. January 1976.)
Howe, Florence
Contemporary Literature 14(4):413-417. Autumn 1973.
Dam, Swarnendu
Golden Line: A Magazine of English Literature. 5(1):. 2023.
Bikman, Minda
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.57-63.
Patrick, Mary Margaret Hughes
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2017. 205 p. (DAI-A 79(3)(E).)
Sprague, Claire; Tiger, Virginia
Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. 337pp.
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. In Pursuit of Doris Lessing. New York: St. Martin's, 1990. pp.89-101.
Finney, K. D.
in: Hassler, Donald M. Patterns of the Fantastic. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1983. pp. 31-40.
Choksey, Lara
in: Choksey, Lara, ed. Narrative in the Age of the Genome: Genetic Worlds. London, UK; Bloomsbury Academic; 2021. p. 21-53.
Ingersoll, Earl G.
in: Ingersoll, Earl G., ed. Doris Lessing: Conversations. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 1994. pp.228-240.
SFRA Review No. 206: 67-70. July/August 1993.
Franko, Carol S.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 2(3): 23-33. 1990.
Twiste, Regina
Frankfurt-am-Main: P. Lang, 1994. 357pp.
Frankfurt-am-Main: P. Lang, 1994. 357 p.
Barnouw, Dagmar
Contemporary Literature 14(4):491-514. Autumn 1973. Also in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.115-125.
Aldiss, Brian W.
Vector 105: 21-22. December 1981.
Green, Martin
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.31-37.
New York: Ungar, 1985, c1984. 210 p.
Sage, Lorna
New York: Methuen, 1983. 91 p.
Whittaker, Ruth
New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 144pp.
Thorpe, Michael
London: The British Council, 1973. 37pp.
Brewster, Dorothy
New York: Twayne, 1965. 173pp.
No authors listed.
in: Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 40, 1986. Detroit: Gale Research, 1986. pp.301-317.
in: Sage, Lorna. Women in the House of Fiction: Post-War Women Novelists. New York: Routledge, 1992. pp.13-23.
King, Jeanette
New York: Edward Arnold, 1990. 117pp. [Not seen.]
Rowe, Margaret M.
New York: St. Martin's, 1994. 137pp.
Raslin, Jonah
Progressive 63(6): 36. June 1999.
Bigsby, Christopher
In: Bigsby, Christopher. Writers in Conversation. Volume One. Norwich, UK: Arthur Miller Center/EAS Publishing, 2000. p.
in: Bigsby, Christopher Writers in Conversation. Volume 4. Norwich, UK: Arthur Miller Center for American Studies/Unthank Books, 2011. p. 13-28.
Locus 71(6): 62. December 2013.
Vlastos, Marion
in: Sprague, Claire, ed. Critical Essays on Doris Lessing. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. pp.126-141.
Roberts, Adam
Vector No. 257: 5-8. Autumn 2008.
Streitfeld, David
Washington Post. Book World. p. 15. December 25, 1988.
in: Anderson, Linda, ed. Plotting Change: Contemporary Women's Fiction. London: Arnold, 1990. pp.1-18.
in: Armitt, Lucie, ed. Where No Man Has Gone Before. London, New York: Routledge, 1991. pp.67-84.
Hardin, N. S.
Contemporary Literature 14(4):565-581. Autumn 1973.
Lasch, Christopher
Democracy 3(2): 28-36. Spring 1983.
Clare, Mariette
Birmingham: Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham, 1984. 52 p.
Rousseau, F. O.
Magazine Litteraire 215: 84-89. February 1985.
Found 356 items on 4 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.