Young, Shannon Lee
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2020. 62 p. (MAI 82(3)(E).)
Pennington, Jody W.
in: Packer, Sharon and Pennington, Jody W. eds. A History of Evil in Popular Culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King, and Vampires Reveal About America. V. 1, Evil in Film, Television and Music. Santa Barbarbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. p. 249-256.
Pierazzo, Jaqueline
In: Botelho, Teresa, Ramalthemes-Gomes, Miguel; Reis, Jose Eduardo, eds. Utopian Foodways: Critical Essays. Porto: University of Porto Press, 2019. p. 59-72.
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna
Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 1(3): 327-339. 2012.
Burke, Brianna
ALAN Review 41(1): 53-63. Fall 2013.
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