Williams, Paul
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 8: 5-6. April 1989.
Blackford, Holly
Children's Literature Association Quarterly 38(3): 284-303. Fall 2013.
Leahy, Richard
Foundation 47(1): 34-46. 2018.
Weinreich, Frank
In: Uhrig, Meike, Cuntz-Leng, Vera, and Kollinger, Luzie, eds. Wissen in der Fantastik : vom Suchen, Verstehen und Teilen. Wiesbaden: Springer,, 2017. pp. 11-21. https://www.academia.edu/95993773/To_boldly_go_where_no_thought_has_gone_before_Figurations_of_Knowledge_in_Science_Fiction
Cassedy, Patrice
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