Parez, Hertha
Romanian Review No. 1:77-86. 1981.
António Moreira, José; Rodrigues, Elsa
Icono 14. 17(2): 130-153. jul-dic 2019.
Kyrou, Ariel; Vincent, Jerome
Chambéry: ActuSF, 2024. 250 p.
Hallett, Vicky
U. S. News and World Report 139(3): 44-51. July 25, 2005.
Smith, Tara
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Brocas, Alexis
Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire No. 29: 68-69. . Mai 2020.
Taylor, John L.
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Yefremov, I.
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 18(6): 16-17. March 2, 1966.
Gallant, J. W.
High Points 33:20-27. April 1951.
Waller, G. Lynn
Ed. S. Thesis, Georgia State University, 1982. 56 p.
Easton, Thomas A.
SFWA Bulletin 21(3):21-24. Fall 1987.
Times Educational Supplement 2732:618. September 29, 1967.
Rossati, Alberto
Etudes Psychotherapiques 16(2): 123-131. June 1985.
Crossley, Robert
in: Schlobin, Roger C., ed. The Aesthetics of Fantasy Literature and Art. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. pp. 176-192.
Moskowitz, Sam
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Arpin, Marie-Luc; Gendron, Corinne; Merveille, Nicolas; Reveret, Jean-Pierre
In: Michaud, Thomas, Ed. Science Fiction and Innovation Design. Newark: John Wiley, 2020. p. 88-
Greener, Mark
Matrix (BSFA) No. 158: 3. November/December 2002.
Gardner, Jeff
Matrix (BSFA) No. 164: 3. November/December 2003.
Lowentrout, Peter M.
Mythlore 11(3): 47-51, 57. Winter/Spring 1985.
Smith, Donald A.
Physics Teacher 47(5): 302-305. May 2009.
Robertson, Guy
Feliciter 53(5): 256-258. 2007.
O'Keefe, Deborah
New York: Continuum, 2006. 222 p.
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Paura, Roberto
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Retez, Riccaro
Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2025. 151 p
Found 810 items on 33 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.