Yadav, Siddharth
Observer Research Foundation Issue Brief 718, July 2024. https://www.orfonline.org/public/uploads/posts/pdf/20240710105456.pdf
Levy, Joel
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Richardson, C. C.
Language Arts 53(5):549-551,563. May 1976.
Walker, Jeanne M.
Essays in Arts and Sciences 9(2): 145-156. August 1980.
No authors listed.
Physics Education 38(1): 67-70. January 2003.
Ash, Brian
in: Ash, Brian, ed. The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: Harmony, 1977. pp.268-270.
Knight, Damon
in: Ash, Brian, ed. Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: Harmony, 1977. pp.263-264.
Lewis, Cathleen S.
Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 2008. 461 p. (DAI-A 69(2).)
von Puttkamer, Jesco
in: Emme, Eugene M., ed. Science Fiction and Space Futures. San Diego: Univelt, 1982. pp. 137-149.
Sears, P. B.
American Biology Teacher 34:396-399. October 1972.
Kropp, Lloyd
Cosign 2(5): 12-13. May 1967. (No. 10)
Garforth, Lisa; Iossifidis, Miranda
Geoforum 137: 248–257. December 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.12.001
Black, Eldred; Weaver, Edward K.
Science Education 49:293-296. April 1965.
Bainbridge, William S.
in: Emme, Eugene M., ed. Science Fiction and Space Futures. San Diego: Univelt, 1982. pp. 185-201.
Vector No. 121: 21-22. August 1984.
Neill, Sam
Ontario Library Review 37(3):187-189. August 1953.
Qing, Wu
Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 6(22): 84-88. 2023. DOI: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.062215
Schorr, Karl
Mythlore 11(3): 9-15. Winter/Spring 1985.
Klein, Michael J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2007. 163 p.
Torras, Carme
Interaction Studies 11(2): 269-273. January 2010.
Owenby, Phillip H.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, 1996. 413pp. (DAI-A 57: 4230.)
Wiest, Lynda R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1996. 331 p. (DAI-A 57(12): 5091. June 1997.)
Bukhari, Syed Danish
In: Retez, Riccaro, ed. The Real Aftermath: How COVID-19 Changed 
the Way Science Fiction is Conceived, Read, and Interpreted. 
Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2025. p. 3-18.
Narlikar, Jayant V.
Dream 2047 9(3): 30-37. December 2006. (page of issue numbered backward.)
Bova, Ben
in: Bretnor, Reginald, ed. Science Fiction Today and Tomorrow. New York: Harper, 1974. pp. 3-16.
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