Homer-Dixon, Thomas
Christian Science Monitor 93(169): 15. July 26, 2001.
Forte, Joseph A.
Master's Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010.
Tulloch, John
in: Tulloch, John and Jenkins, Henry, eds. Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.144-172.
Kalade, Linas
Viewpoint on Books for Young Adults 1(2): 8-9. Winter 1993.
Wacquez, Julien
Socio V. 13: 7-21. 2019.
Bryning, Frank
Meanjin (Melbourne, Aust.) No. 13(2): 214-218. Winter 1954.
Lee, Bill
in: Slusser, George E. and Rabkin, Eric S., eds. Mindscapes. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1989. pp.226-233.
Ai Ling Lee, Clarissa
Foundations of Science 24(4): 705-725. December 2019.
Lee, Clarissa Ai Ling
Bestuzhev-Lada, I.; Bilenkin, D.; Strugatsky, Arkady
Soviet Studies in Literature 14(4):3-26. Aut. 1978. (tr. of Kakie zuezdy Svetiat fantastike? Literaturnoe Obozrenie 8:100-106. 1977.)
Marks, Dorothy
Language Arts 62(4): 355-361. April 1985.
Sloan, J. P.
Chicago Tribune. Book World Sec. 7, p. 2. December 16, 1980.
Mayhar, Ardath
Thrust No. 29:16-17. Winter 1988.
Jacups, Susan; Menadue, Christopher B.
Sage Open 8(2): 1-12. April/June 2018.
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Pacific Northwest Library Association Quarterly 38(2): 14-18. February 1974. (Also in her Language of the Night.)
Lethem, Jonathan
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 121: 1, 8-9. September 1998. Response, Ray Davis, New York Review of Science Fiction No. 123: 7. November 1998. See also, New York Review of Science Fiction No. 124: 5-7. December 1998.
Barron, Arthur S.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist 13(2): 62-70. February 1957.
Empire for the SF Writer 9(3): 5, 28. Spring 1985.
Westfahl, Gary
Interzone No .190: 55-56. July/August 2003.
Kafka, Janet
English Journal 64(5): 46-53. May 1975. also in: Varlejs, Jana. Adult Literature in the Seventies. New York: Scarecrow, 1978. pp. 313-326.
Bova, Ben
Amazing Stories 67(11): 62-65. February 1993.
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda
New Scientist 257*3432): 28. April 1, 2023. 
Harwit, Martin
Star Trek: The Official Fan Club No. 89: 9. January/February 1993.
Lerner, Fred
LOFGEONORNOST (fanzine) No. 80: 1-7. August 2005.
Rosen, Rebecca J.
The Atlantic September 20, 2013. [ca. 9 p.] 
http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/09/why-todays-inventors-need-to-read-more-science-fiction/279793/?single_page=true Accessed 18.November.2014.
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