Farrell, John A.
Bryan-College Station Eagle p. C1, C4-C5. June 4, 1989. (Knight-Ridder)
Sterling, Bruce
21C (Australia) No. 23: [5pp.] February 1997.
in: Crawford, Ashley and Edgar, Ray, eds. Transit Lounge: An Interface Book From 21C. North Ryde, Aust.: Craftsman House, 1997. pp. 43-46.
Tatsumi, Takayuki
Science Fiction Review 15(4):14-17. November 1986.
Means, Loren
YLEM Journal 26(12): 4-7. November/December 2006.
Prickman, Jeff
in: Bleiler, Richard, Ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2003. p. 855-862.
Guran, Paula
Weird Tales 61(6): 26-31. October/November 2006. (No. 342)
Kadrey, Richard
Interzone No. 17:19-20. Autumn 1986.
Brock, Jason V.
in: Brock, Jason V. Disorders of Magnitude: A Survey of Dark Fantasy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. p. 276-283. (Reprinted from Dark Discoveries Summer/Fall 2010.)
Rucker, Rudy
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 113: 1, 4-6. January 1998.
Shirley, John
Empire: For the SF Writer 4(1): 5-6. July 1978.
Thrust 32:9-12. Winter 1989.
Bishop, Michael
Thrust No. 26:5-11. Spring 1987.
Spinrad, Norman
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 10(5):180-190. May 1986.
Thrust No. 14: 30-32. Winter 1980.
Ellison, Harlan
Patchin Review 1: 6-13. July 1981.
Hameon, Ariel
New York Review of Science Fiction 14(11): 1, 8-11. July 2002. (No. 167)
Sanders, Joe
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 844-846.
Mathew, David
Interzone No. 137: 21-25. November 1998.
No authors listed.
Sirius, R. U.
in: Crawford, Ashley and Edgar, Ray, eds. Transit Lounge: An Interface Book From 21C. North Ryde, Aust.: Craftsman House, 1997. pp. 46-51.
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 6, 1991. Munchen: Heyne, 1991. p. 504-518.
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