Pohl, Frederik
Galaxy 26(5): 6-10. June 1968.
Hurley, Kameron
Locus 80(6): 27. June 2018.
Delany, Samuel R.
in: Delany, Samuel R. About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, and Five Interviews. Middletown, CT.: Wesleyan University Press, 2005. p. 85-94.
Wilhelm, Kate
Tales of the Unanticipated. 1:5-6. Fall 1986.
Card, Orson S.
in: Knost, Michael, ed. Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lexington, KY: Seventh Star press, 2013. p. 79-88.
Schweitzer, Darrell
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 5(3): 101-108. March 16, 1981.
Rotsler, William
Locus 12(1):9-12. January 1979.
Russ, Joanna
in: Wilson, R. S., ed. Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader. New York: Mentor/New American Library, 1973. pp. 149-154.
Stross, Charles
Focus (BSFA) No. 66: 41-43. Summer/Autumn 2016.
Gunn, James
in: Scott, Robin, ed. Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader. New York: Mentor/New American Library, 1973. pp. 303-312.
Haldeman, Joe
Empire: For the SF Writer 23: 12-13. Spring, 1981.
Larson, Randall D.
In: Larson, Randall D., ed. The Robert Bloch Companion: Collected Interviews, 1969-1986son. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1989. p. 80-86.
Evans, Christopher
Interzone No. 92: 31-33. February 1995.
Heinlein, Robert A.
in: Knight, Damon, ed. Turning Points: Essays in the Art of Science Fiction. New York: Harper, 1977. pp. 199-204. Also in: Eshbach, Lloyd A., ed. Of Worlds Beyond. Fantasy Press, 1947, and Chicago: Advent, 1964. pp. 11-19; in: Latham, Rob, ed. Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. p. 17-21.
in: Dozois, Gardner, ed. Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's, 1991. pp.5-11. Also in: Budrys, Algis, ed. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XX. Hollywood, CA: Galaxy Press, 2004. p. 163-173.
Le Guin, Ursula K.
in: Wilson, Robin Scott, ed. Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader. New York: Mentor/New American Library, 1973. pp. 203-209.
Pournelle, Jerry
in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 215-218.
Sheckley, Robert
Vector 89:21-29. September/October 1978.
Starship 16(3):35-38. Summer 1979.
Chalker, Jack L.
Eugene, OR: Writer's Notebook Press, 1991. 26pp. (Writer's Chapbook Series, 23)
Zelazny, Roger
in: Zelazny, Roger. Power and Light, Volume 2: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny, ed. by David G. Grubbs, Christopher S. Kovacs and Ann Crimmins. Framingham, MA: NESFA, 2009. p. 521-523.
Science Fiction Times pp. 5-6. ca. October 1967.
Norton, Andre
in: Boyer, Robert H. and Zahorski, Kenneth J. Fantasists on Fantasy. New York: Avon Discus, 1984. pp. 151-162.
The Dipple Chronicle 1(4): 8-11. October/December 1971.
Lefanu, Sarah
Focus (BSFA) No. 31: 11-12. March/April 1997.
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