Coney, Michael
in: Jakubowski, Maxim and James, Edward, eds. The Profession of Science Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1992. pp.120-130.
Carter, Lin
Science Fiction Times No. 456:3-4. July 1968.
Savile, Steven
in: Castle, Mort, ed. On Writing Horror: a Handbook. Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest Books, 2007. p. 159-162. (Revised Edition.)
Knowles, Tom W., II
SFWA Bulletin 47(2): 23-26.. Spring 2013 (No. 201)
Bhoosnurmath, Rajshekhar
Dharwad, India: Vaibhavi Prakashana, 2014. 170 p.
Fenn, Jaine
Focus No. 62: 4-6. Summer 2014.
Brin, David
in: Brin, David. Through Stranger Eyes: Reviews, Introductions, Tributes and Iconoclastic Essays. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2008. p. 141-147.
Gardner, John
New York: Knopf, 1983. 224pp.
Martin, Philip
in: Martin, Philip, ed. The Writer’s Guide to Fantasy Literature. Waukesha, WI: Writer Books, 2002. p. 151-154.
Pournelle, Jerry
SFFWA Bulletin 31(4): 25, 32. Spring 1998. (No. 137)
Holder, Nancy; Underwood, Erin
SFWA Bulletin 45(2): 42-46. Spring 2011.
Budrys, Algis
in: Budrys, Algis, ed. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XVI. Los Angeles: Bridge, 2000. pp. 308-316.
Kessel, John
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 55: 1, 8-11. March 1993. (Responses: No. 56: 22-23.)
Bengels, Barbara
New York Review of Science Fiction 23(4): 1, 4-8-10. December 2010. (No. 268)
Anderson, Kevin J.
Amazing Experiences 1(1): 3-4. July 1990.
Myers, David E.
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 24: 10-15. August 1990. (Response, No. 25: 19-20. Sept. 1990.)
Griswold-Ford, Valerie; Morris, Tee
Calgary: Dragon Moon Press, 2004. 280 p.
Dullemond, Tom; Park, Darin
Calgary: Dragon Moon Press, 2003. 361 p.
Law, Dave A.; Park, Darin
Calgary: Dragon Moon Press, 2007. 311 p.
Bova, Ben
Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest, 1994. 218pp.
Clement, Hal
in: Dozois, Gardner, ed. Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's, 1991. pp.129-146.
Anderson, Poul
in: Dozois, Gardner, ed. Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's, 1991. pp.105-128.
Steele, Allen M.
Science Fiction Chronicle 22(3): 31-32, 36. March 2001.
Rogers, Bruce H.
in: Castle, Mort, ed. On Writing Horror: a Handbook. Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer’s Digest Books, 2007. p. 102-106. (Revised Edition.)
McGrath, Martin
Focus (BSFA) No. 51: 8. Autumn 2007.
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