Hurley, Kameron
Locus 74(4): 27. April 2015.
Dick, Philip K.
in: McNelly, W. E., ed. Science Fiction the Academic Awakening. Shreveport, LA: CEA, 1974. pp. 46-50.
Langan, John
In: Knost, Michael, ed. Writers: Workshop of Horror 2. Goshen, NY: Hydra Publications, 2021. p. 15-27.
Davies, Dorothy
Focus (BSFA) 6: 26-27. Autumn 1982.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(7): 3031. May 1991.
Purdom, Tom
in: Grant, C. L., ed. Writing and Selling Science Fiction. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writers Digest, 1976. pp. 129-146.
Elgin, S. H.
Aurora SF 8(1): 30-34. Summer 1982.
Sirois, A. L.
SFFWA Bulletin 29(4): 16-18. Spring 1996. (No. 129)
Farmer, Philip J.
Farmerphile No. 4: 11-15. April 2006.
Hogan, James P.
Analog 126(1): 134-139. January/February 2006.
Locus 83(4): 29. October 2019.
Jones, Diana W.
Vector No. 140: 14-16. October/November 1987. Also in: Reading Time 37(2): 9-11. May 1993.
Schweitzer, Darrell
in: Schweitzer, Darrell. Windows of the Imagination: Essays on Fantasy Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1997. p. 64-68.
Masterson, Graham
Writer 107(7): 7-9. July 1994.
Thomason, Sue
Focus (BSFA) No. 20: 7. April 1990.
Whitney, Phyllis A.
Writer 63(4): 107-110. April 1950.
Koontz, Dean R.
in: Williamson, J. N., ed. How to Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest, 1987. pp.101-105. Also in: Greenberg, Martin H., ed. The Dean Koontz Companion. New York: Berkley, 1994. pp.225-230.
Cole, Mark
Clarkesworld No. 136. January 2018. Accessed 22.March.2020.
Westfahl, Gary
Interzone No. 180: 54-56. June/July 2002.
Sturgeon, Theodore
in: Knight, Damon, ed. Turning Points: Essays in the Art of Science Fiction. New York: Harper, 1977. pp. 269-272.
Zebrowski, George
Steam Engine Time No. 8: 4-13. May 2008.
King, Stephen
in: Axelrod, Rise B./Cooper, Charlie R., eds. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 2nd edition. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988. p. 294-298. (Reprinted from Playboy, 1982.)
Swirsky, Rachel
in: Duchamp, L. Timmel, ed. Narrative Power: Encounters, Celebrations, Struggles. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2010. p. 218-225.
McCarty, Michael
in: Castle, Mort, ed. On Writing Horror: a Handbook. Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer’s Digest Books, 2007. p. 13-15. (Revised Edition.)
Mythlore 10(4): 23-27. Spring 1984.
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