Fox, Rachel
The Luminary No. 7: 39-53. Summer 2016.
Pilinovsky, Helen
Extrapolation 45(1): 52-64. Spring 2004.
Werner, Mary
Mythlore 22(2; [84]): 18-21. Summer 1998.
Chettle, Christine
in: MacLachlan, Christopher, Pazdziora, John P., and Stelle, Ginger, eds. Rethinking George MacDonald: Context and Contemporaries. Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2013. p. 121-139.
Ferry, Emma
Journal of William Morris Studies 18(1): 65-84. Winter 2008.
Mesaros, Kristina Louisa
Master's Thesis, California State University, San Marcos, 2006. 80 p.
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